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Internet Censorship.

Trump weighs in again on the subject, blah blah blah

In principle I’d be againts this although I can’t really speak to just how one sided and ad like it might be since I don’t watch SNL much at all in years but if it’s true they largely bash trump while elevating democratic talking points “soft bashing” dems well that’s not really quite the same thing is it

Though “Saturday Night Live” is a parody show, it frequently and disproportionately mocks Trump and conservatives with mean-spirited jokes and elevates Democrat talking points.

Nevertheless, it highlights the larger problem of mainstream media cheerleading Democrats and demonizing Trump at every opportunity.

Trump likely mentioned the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in reference to the fairness doctrine, a discontinued regulation requiring news outlets to give equal coverage to both sides of a political issue.

Trump spoke out against online censorship after Big Tech banned Alex Jones in a coordinated social media purge last August.

“I won’t mention names but when they take certain people off of Twitter or Facebook and they’re making that decision, that is really a dangerous thing because that could be you tomorrow,” Trump told Reuters.
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I agree trump is a bit of snow flake he can dish it out but never likes it when someone gives it back

Yes, they should be enforcing anti-trust laws against these platforms; amazon as well.

And don't stop there: also Walmart, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, BP-Amoco, Koch Industries, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, The Big Four, and Clear Channel, Gannett, Disney, Time warner, and restrict media ownership to specific markets. Break them all up.

Monopolies are bad for competition!
Yes, they should be enforcing anti-trust laws against these platforms; amazon as well.

And don't stop there: also Walmart, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, BP-Amoco, Koch Industries, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, The Big Four, and Clear Channel, Gannett, Disney, Time warner, and restrict media ownership to specific markets. Break them all up.

Monopolies are bad for competition!

20 years ago, the DOJ moved to break up Microsoft and won in court, but as it turned out free market competition did away with the reason for the break up.

Anti-trust regulations are pretty industry specific, and the companies you have listed cut across quite a swath of industries.

I don?t what the industry by industry restrictions are.

Broadcast licenses are already regionally assigned; I guess a few big players on a number of local licenses.
20 years ago, the DOJ moved to break up Microsoft and won in court, but as it turned out free market competition did away with the reason for the break up.

Anti-trust regulations are pretty industry specific, and the companies you have listed cut across quite a swath of industries.

I don’t what the industry by industry restrictions are.

Broadcast licenses are already regionally assigned; I guess a few big players on a number of local licenses.

They used to use guidelines that specified any control of a market over a certain percentage of that market would get you broken up. And likewise with mergers and acquisitions... they wouldn't get approved if they would result in larger control of a market. Of course some decried this power as "government overreach" and the pro-business centrists of both parties have gutted the FTC - the gov't agency charged with anti-trust regulation - over the years

And IIRC in the Microsoft case, there are other factors there, like Microsoft bundling it's own browser with its software in order to crush Netscape.

Of course, now you have Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. which own ad platforms and marketplace platforms, AND sell on them... and no one from the FTC or DOJ cared. they should all be broken up into separate components.

In theory free market conservatives and the Left should both agree on all this.

...but among the free market conservatives, the billionaire bootlickers break ranks when it comes to anti-trust issues... can't have billionaires if you have true competition.
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And IIRC in the Microsoft case, there are other factors there, like Microsoft bundling it's own browser with its software in order to crush Netscape.

But in the article that I linked to, it tells that people started using other browsers then Internet Explorer by their own choice-as I recall it was the tech savvy that that began with.

It was only a few years ago that My Space was a big deal.

We don?t know that alternative tech innovations won?t come along and end up burying Facebook.
But in the article that I linked to, it tells that people started using other browsers then Internet Explorer by their own choice-as I recall it was the tech savvy that that began with.

It was only a few years ago that My Space was a big deal.

We don?t know that alternative tech innovations won?t come along and end up burying Facebook.

the problem now is facebook is big enough to just buy them up before they threaten FB's profits e.g. Instagram
the problem now is facebook is big enough to just buy them up before they threaten FB's profits e.g. Instagram

We?ll see how it falls out. Again, Facebook has very little effect on me. I opened an account maybe eight years ago or so because my high school reunion had a Facebook page for the reunion and I didn?t feel like going but I did wanna get news about the reunion and they sent an email about the Facebook page so I set up a Facebook account.

I got some friend requests from people I used to know and to be polite I accepted the requests so I get notifications in my email with any of them has posted anything on Facebook, and I occasionally look at the posts, but my guess is I have replied to less than one in 1000 of them.
We?ll see how it falls out. Again, Facebook has very little effect on me. I opened an account maybe eight years ago or so because my high school reunion had a Facebook page for the reunion and I didn?t feel like going but I did wanna get news about the reunion and they sent an email about the Facebook page so I set up a Facebook account.

I got some friend requests from people I used to know and to be polite I accepted the requests so I get notifications in my email with any of them has posted anything on Facebook, and I occasionally look at the posts, but my guess is I have replied to less than one in 1000 of them.

Um :hmm: okay, so I guess you're on board with breaking them up too.
Um :hmm: okay, so I guess you're on board with breaking them up too.

I look at Facebook breaking up the way I look at local charter schools-I don?t have kids, so I will just leave it to the parents that have kids in the local public schools to work it out amongst themselves.

Same thing with Facebook-break it up, don?t break it up-I don?t have a skin in the game.
I look at Facebook breaking up the way I look at local charter schools-I don?t have kids, so I will just leave it to the parents that have kids in the local public schools to work it out amongst themselves.

Same thing with Facebook-break it up, don?t break it up-I don?t have a skin in the game.

I see.

What about... the prohibition of alcoholic beverages? Do you have any feelings either way about that?