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Internet Censorship.

Scenario 1: Cops beat the living shit out of, and arrest peaceful protestors - who are publicly exercising their First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly - against ongoing police harassment and violence?

Right wing guys: "DURRRRR Well, I seen a Wendy's burning on TV somewhere so they deserves it."


Scenario 2: Facebook, a privately-owned corporation, blocks comments and groups from its platform that promote an - EVIDENCE FREE - "theory" that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Donald Trump, and that Trump is planning a day of reckoning known as "The Storm", when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested, who also promote drinking bleach as a cure for COVID-19, and who have promoted and been linked to violent actions against random, innocent third parties that get caught up in this nonsense when some QAnon shithead decides they're members of "the cabal" and uploads videos of them and posts their address and identity online?


Why anyone would willingly post their life story on FB is baffling to me. Sure, FB can control content, but it’s rather inconsistent and capricious as to what it allows and what it restricts.

Whatever; I am not on FB anyway.
Why anyone would willingly post their life story on FB is baffling to me. Sure, FB can control content, but it?s rather inconsistent and capricious as to what it allows and what it restricts.

Whatever; I am not on FB anyway.

It's baffling to me too, and it's a bad company that engages in anti-competitive, monopolistic practices that should have been broken up and its executives fined (if not jailed) a long time ago, and would have been if we didn't live in a shithole kleptocracy of a country... but I don't see an issue with them banning a batshit insane group that advocates and promotes violence against people from their platform.
It's baffling to me too, and it's a bad company that engages in anti-competitive, monopolistic practices that should have been broken up and its executives fined (if not jailed) a long time ago, and would have been if we didn't live in a shithole kleptocracy of a country... but I don't see an issue with them banning a batshit insane group that advocates and promotes violence against people from their platform.

I suppose that I don?t, either, but ?be consistent about it.?
Speaking of consistency, the 'Squad' wants to know why twitter is enforcing a no-death-threats-or-wishes now, when it's been allowed when they are the targets.


Twitter sucks.

I set up an account a few years ago for M sports news and updates.

I agree with them four chick - if I were running a platform, I wouldn?t allow that kind of shit.

AOC still qualifies as doable - more than doable, goddess, really - on my personal hot/crazy scale.

Speaking of consistency, the 'Squad' wants to know why twitter is enforcing a no-death-threats-or-wishes now, when it's been allowed when they are the targets.


Good on CNN for actually reporting this.

It's not just the Squad either; other politicians on the left - especially in lower profile state legislatures -have reported this, and the authorities and media always look the other way.

Violence against the left is tolerated by our political & economic system... this serves the 1%.

Violence BY the left really sets the authorities off... they'll call out the national guard for that. In fact they consider property damage for leftist causes "violence"... they don't do the same when a bank commits fraud to repossess your house or a chemical plant with years of safety violations has a chemical fire that catastrophically degrades our air and water...
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I suppose that I don?t, either, but ?be consistent about it.?

what's your opinion on why: "I hope Trump dies of coronavirus" gets your account banned on twitter, but a tweet to Ilhan Omar about how "we're gonna hang you for treason, bitch" gets a pass?
what's your opinion on why: "I hope Trump dies of coronavirus" gets your account banned on twitter, but a tweet to Ilhan Omar about how "we're gonna hang you for treason, bitch" gets a pass?

There are a lot of examples on both sides of the debate were there is abuse that is banned as well as ignored by Twitter. I have no explanation as to why.
There are a lot of examples on both sides of the debate were there is abuse that is banned as well as ignored by Twitter. I have no explanation as to why.

GermanByco, November 11, 1938: "I have no idea why all the windows of Jewish-owned businesses across the nation got smashed last night, but both sides have some explaining to do, if we're being consistent here."

I'm even curious if twitter treats threats against Ilhan Omar as seriously as they treat threats against Nancy "Like most billionaires, I also own a $20,000 refrigerator in one of my many homes" Pelosi. I doubt it!


Photo credit: Breitbart.com :ugh:
GermanByco, who I just invented, is the internet poster we need.

You’d be doing me a favor by changing the name. Or not implying that my answer was in any way appeasing to either point of view. Or not comparing Kristallnacht to trolling online and associating me to that impossibility.

Twitter is going to twit and that’s the end of it.

It’s a cesspool, and I detached myself from it for that reason.


Manchmal, du kanst ein echter Ruck sein.
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GermanByco, November 11, 1938: "I have no idea why all the windows of Jewish-owned businesses across the nation got smashed last night, but both sides have some explaining to do, if we're being consistent here."

I'm even curious if twitter treats threats against Ilhan Omar as seriously as they treat threats against Nancy "Like most billionaires, I also own a $20,000 refrigerator in one of my many homes" Pelosi. I doubt it!


Photo credit: Breitbart.com :ugh:

Such divisive hyperbole.

Everybody knows the Pelosis aren?t even worth $2 hundred million.

Barely more than half that.

Just a month ago was their 57th wedding anniversary.

That?s sweet.

So it seems they?re poor and old, but they?re happy.

You?d be doing me a favor by changing the name. Or not implying that my answer was in any way appeasing to either point of view. Or not comparing Kristallnacht to trolling online and associating me to that impossibility.

Twitter is going to twit and that?s the end of it.

It?s a cesspool, and I detached myself from it for that reason.


Manchmal, du kanst ein echter Ruck sein.

you're right, you're right... sorry, that was an unfair thing for me to do.

I'll select a random for letter sequence for the character... how about GermanMack? Or would it be GermanMach? The Third Reich's #1 "Both Sides Do It" apologist.
You?d be doing me a favor by changing the name. Or not implying that my answer was in any way appeasing to either point of view. Or not comparing Kristallnacht to trolling online and associating me to that impossibility.

Twitter is going to twit and that?s the end of it.

It?s a cesspool, and I detached myself from it for that reason.


Manchmal, du kanst ein echter Ruck sein.

Das ist verdammt lustig.
you're right, you're right... sorry, that was an unfair thing for me to do.

I'll select a random for letter sequence for the character... how about GermanMack? Or would it be GermanMach? The Third Reich's #1 "Both Sides Do It" apologist.

You could use me and make a reference to Tinselnocht.
AAAAH MOAR censorship!!!111

Twitter & youtube ban Steve Bannon for saying this during his super-dumb radio show:
After advocating that among Trump?s first second term orders of business should be firing both Wray and Fauci, Bannon said, ?I actually want to go a step farther but the president is a kind-hearted man and a good man. I?d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England. I?d put the heads on pikes, right? I?d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats, you either get with the program or you?re gone.?​

Bannon is getting worried because he was banking on a pardon from Trump next year when he gets convicted of wire fraud and what not.
AAAAH MOAR censorship!!!111

Twitter & youtube ban Steve Bannon for saying this during his super-dumb radio show:
After advocating that among Trump?s first second term orders of business should be firing both Wray and Fauci, Bannon said, ?I actually want to go a step farther but the president is a kind-hearted man and a good man. I?d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England. I?d put the heads on pikes, right? I?d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats, you either get with the program or you?re gone.?​
Bannon is getting worried because he was banking on a pardon from Trump next year when he gets convicted of wire fraud and what not.
Getting banned from platforms for things you say or do off a platform opens up another can of worms. These knee-jerk reactions could end up justifying all sorts of data mining. Companies need to track everything about everyone to make sure it's ok to let them use their platforms.