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Internet Censorship.

Well that ain't good. If both sides want it gone, who's keeping it alive?

I dunno.

Prolly the libdem chicom cyber - what does tigermud call cyber gulag? Prolly them.

Maybe J?Biden and Pelosi are just paying lip service and don?t oppose Section 230 at all, because everybody knows they?re in the pocket of the chicoms.
Looks like it would be hard to just fix it. So there are a variety of positions between scrapping it entirely and attempts to fix it that are some combination of legally ambiguous, unwieldy, and impractical/unlikely to be implemented well.


I was going to post a link to a different article that says some of the same things, emphasizing especially that Trump has signed an executive order limiting the section 230 protections.
Seems like 230 wouldn't cause remotely as much trouble if we had stronger data rights. If they couldn't target us so well, it wouldn't matter as much if everyone said whatever they wanted. It's the matching up of targeted messages of outrage to those that would be susceptible to it that's a problem. What some see as a topic getting censored could also be described as a topic being narrowly targeted.
Seems like 230 wouldn't cause remotely as much trouble if we had stronger data rights. ...

also need to break up monopolies like Facebook, google, amazon, and microsoft. these laws don't function well when you have these bohemoths skewing enforcement and turning the purpose of the law on its head.

parts of apple probably need to be sold off as well. and the billions they've stashed abroad seized and redistributed. every American gets a cut.

section 230 makes sense when publishers are small internet companies hosting messageboards, local news sites, etc. not, e.g. a company like facebook, half-ass censoring content and routing traffic to those bidding higher for more eyeballs, using its sophisticated algorithms
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also need to break up monopolies like Facebook, google, amazon, and microsoft.

are any of these really monopolies? Facebook is just a social networking site. There are a bunch of those. Instagram, twitter, ticktok are probably all more popular, but Facebook has been better at making money. There are dozens of search engines that can be used vs. google. Amazon is just an online shopping site. You can buy anything they sell on dozens of different websites. Microsoft may be closest to a monopoly because almost every computer outside of a MAC comes with it's operating system.

Just because a company is really big and makes a lot of money, doesn't make it a monopoly. google it. I mean, Mozillia it ;)
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Amazon is just an online shopping site. You can buy anything they sell on dozens of different websites.

They annihilated the book industry. I'm not an expert in the laws so it's not a hill I'd die on but their market share in that particular avenue is extremely similiar to that of Standard Oil in 1911.

Just because a company is really big and makes a lot of money, doesn't make it a monopoly. google it. I mean, Mozillia it ;)

DuckDuckGo is a personal favorite of mine.
They annihilated the book industry. I'm not an expert in the laws so it's not a hill I'd die on but their market share in that particular avenue is extremely similiar to that of Standard Oil in 1911.

DuckDuckGo is a personal favorite of mine.

so is it your argument that computers "annihilated" the typewriter industry?

Technology changes things. Why pay for the cost of printing & shipping a book if there is a more efficient method of getting your "word" out?
so is it your argument that computers "annihilated" the typewriter industry?

Technology changes things. Why pay for the cost of printing & shipping a book if there is a more efficient method of getting your "word" out?

I don't feel like that's apples to apples. A computer isn't a typewriter. Where an e-book is still a book.

But semantics of that aside. Amazon controls 75 percent of online sales of physical books, 65 percent of e-book sales, more than 40 percent of new book sales, and about 85 percent of sales by self published e-book authors.

The medium is irrelevant, the book market is theirs.
They annihilated the book industry. I'm not an expert in the laws so it's not a hill I'd die on but their market share in that particular avenue is extremely similiar to that of Standard Oil in 1911.

DuckDuckGo is a personal favorite of mine.

Yeah, I switched all my defaults to duckduckgo a while back.

I still feel like anything that didn't allow the US government a backdoor to spy on us wouldn't be allowed to exist, but at least duckduckgo doesn't sell search results and all that, so I trust them more than I'd trust google or microsoft.
Amazon GOT big by basically selling at a loss to monopolize markets & drive competitors out of business. Initially the game was tax arbitrage... they argued they didn't have to pay sales taxes and didn't charge them, and that helped them undercut other booksellers. That quietly changed around 2010, when they started collecting sales tax.

Supposedly, they lose money on amazon.com sales, but AWS (Amazon Web Services) hosts most internet sites these days and is hugely profitable for the company & subsidizes amazon.com.

...and Bezos bought the Washington Post after he inked a deal to host all the CIA's services and infrastructure. Merger of corporate and state interests/power is called...? anyone... anyone?

The company does so much bad... it's really crazy they haven't been broken up already and were allowed to grow as they did. But then again, we live in a shithole country, and that's the kind of thing that happens in shithole countries... oligarchs are above the law and run things however they want.
Amazon GOT big by basically selling at a loss to monopolize markets & drive competitors out of business

Don't forget they started with books, benefiting from the 1938 effort to facilitate the distribution of educational materials by establishing reduced media mail rates.
Full on purge of republicans from big chicom tech social media is now underway, the original warning more accurate then ever. We are now at 2. Enjoy your free trip to the camps by no later than 2030

First, they came for Infowars, and they did not speak out—
Because they hated Infowars with a passion.

Then they came for the Republicans, they did not speak out—
Because they did not like Republicans.

Then they came for the Libertarians, they did not speak out—
Because they were not Libertarians

Then they came for the rest of you
and there was no one left to speak for the rest of you.
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Full on purge of republicans from big chicom tech social media is now underway, the original warning more accurate then ever. We are now at 2. Enjoy your free trip to the camps by no later than 2030

First, they came for Infowars, and they did not speak out—
Because they hated Infowars with a passion.

Then they came for the Republicans, they did not speak out—
Because they did not like Republicans.

Then they came for the Libertarians, they did not speak out—
Because they were not Libertarians

Then they came for the rest of you
and there was no one left to speak for the rest of you.

what are you talking about? there are still plenty of all those retards on social media.
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what are you talking about? there are still plenty of all those retards on social media.

only if they agree with the narrative. everybody else going poof gondi real time. it's a complete chicom takeover. the country is finished. take the blue pill and go back to sleep. so long dummy
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Full on purge of republicans from big chicom tech social media is now underway, the original warning more accurate then ever. We are now at 2. Enjoy your free trip to the camps by no later than 2030

First, they came for Infowars, and they did not speak out?
Because they hated Infowars with a passion.

Then they came for the Republicans, they did not speak out?
Because they did not like Republicans.

Then they came for the Libertarians, they did not speak out?
Because they were not Libertarians

Then they came for the rest of you
and there was no one left to speak for the rest of you.

DSF is the only social media I do.

They can?t send me to a camp if I?m not there for them to send me.
Trump Twitter is dead

Don?t matter.

I?m sure all the TV show he used to call in to before he was nominated by the Republican Party and then elected president will be glad to have him back.

Like we said, he starts his campaign for 2024 on January 20th.

Only a dead girl or a live boy.
only if they agree with the narrative. everybody else going poof gondi real time. it's a complete chicom takeover. the country is finished. take the blue pill and go back to sleep. so long dummy

You can all still give each other mouth-hugs on parler though right?