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Internet Censorship.

Just take a day or two away, and PM me and we?ll talk off the board.

I think you?re upset with me and I was razzing you and maybe I went too far.

I don?t think anyone would disagree that this sure has been one fucked up week.

Ben Shapiro, who I like to listen to, said that we?re 95% agreement that what happened at the Capitol was horrible.

I?d say like more like 98% but anyway...

You?re a good poster. Talk is the answer. It?s the 1st Amendment.

So PM me.


There is no 1st amendment anymore unless you agree with the official narrative. There just aren?t enough people here that can see through the control grid. Request submitted hopefully he?ll be removing me soon so I don?t get tempted to come back
Tinsel the level of trump hate here is too much for me, people like bob have so much hate for trump and by extension hate for me, as I support what he tried to do for America wholeheartedly, unfortunately the level hate expressed here does not make me feel welcome and I don?t want to stay anywhere I don?t feel welcome. It takes everything I have to remain civil and not completely lose it on him and that is extremely sad for me given the shared interest history. I cannot continue to expose myself to this level of hatred it?s not good for the soul

If there is no way for me to remove my account myself please do it for me

Thank you

Wait, what?

When did anything happen under our first Amendment from people not hanging around because they didn?t feel welcome?

Would slavery have ended if people who opposed it didn?t feel welcome?

Would the Viet Nam war have ended if people who opposed it didn?t feel welcome?

The LAST thing you should do is delete your account.

Did shit happen this week that everyone wishes it hadn?t?


Does it mean that as a country peaceful people who have a voice shouldn?t be able to express theirs?

Absolutely not.
You don?t even know what Parler is or who is there.

I?ll contact the admin for the request. Thank you. Remember me in about 4 years when you realize I was right.

I do know what Parler is. A Cesspool of propaganda that I have zero use for. In four year?s whoever is in charge will still be fixing Trumps mess.

This right here.

And as for tigermud, check the mirror son, while I'm definitely no fan of Biden or Harris, the "level of hate" for Trump you complain about is no different that what you and your side say about the incoming president elect and VP elect, so once again, be reminded you do not have the high ground you think you do here. You complain our country as we know it is over, yet people said that about Trump as well, know what...The republic endured.

Stop being such a snowflake like Tinsel said, you want to say "told you so" then stick around and prove us (most of us) wrong, or run away and maybe in 4 years we will say, "hey remember tigermud and how wrong he was?" choice is yours, nobody is making you do it.
Tinsel the level of trump hate here is too much for me, people like bob have so much hate for trump and by extension hate for me, as I support what he tried to do for America wholeheartedly, unfortunately the level hate expressed here does not make me feel welcome and I don’t want to stay anywhere I don’t feel welcome. It takes everything I have to remain civil and not completely lose it on him and that is extremely sad for me given the shared interest history. I cannot continue to expose myself to this level of hatred it’s not good for the soul

If there is no way for me to remove my account myself please do it for me

Thank you

What I find freaking Hilarious about this statement is that people who support Trump have no use for the Truth unless it helps Trump. His action are what people find Disgusting. The guy has been a Habitual liar since he became a adult. How many bankruptcy has he? How many times has he Squished a worker or Peon in court to get his way or hide the truth especially women. How many women have claims against this guy ?

Btw I have said many times how I do not think things will change much for me under The Democratic president but sadly here we are again having to fix up a mess caused by Gop in Republican policies.

You talk about hatred. What were those people who were Incited by Trump who stormed the capital ? That is right out of a dictatorship, and those by supporting Trump supported 5 people being killed at the capital. For anyone not condemning what Trump said before the riot is in fact a lair himself. It was disgusting what Trump did before that riot, and for lying about the election where there is no proof of voter fraud. No freaking Proof. Trump Rhetoric is what has caused this. He is and was always a embarrassment, and will go down as the worst president in history.
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Tinsel how does one go about removing their account?

I have a quick link at the top of my address bar. If I were you, right click on it, scroll down and click on the delete icon.

Or, grow a pair and keep on preaching. You may be wrong, you may be right. There is always room for discussion.

Or, just don't post on the politics board and keep posting in the Tigers board. We are running out of fans over there.
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I have a quick link at the top of my address bar. If I were you, right click on it, scroll down and click on the delete icon.

Or, grow a pair and keep on preaching. You may be wrong, you may be right. There is always room for discussion.

Or, just don't post on the politics board and keep posting in the Tigers board. We are running out of fans over there.

No longer interested in the tigers anymore either but thanks. There is nothing here left worth living for. You always did crack me up with your rants. Thank you for all that
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Trump should be banned from Twitter. It is because of him fanning his base with lies that they decided to storm the capital. He even called them out to do it.

If you got that opinion from CNN, CBS, NBC, MSMBC, PBS, WAPO, NYT, WSJ, any sitting US Senator or Representative, or any of the other corporate- and/or think-tank- controlled media outlets or organization, you are being deceived, too.
There is no 1st amendment anymore unless you agree with the official narrative. There just aren?t enough people here that can see through the control grid. Request submitted hopefully he?ll be removing me soon so I don?t get tempted to come back

You can change your PW to something unrecognizable and not ask for a new one to be sent to you. That?s one way to deny yourself access to your account.
If you got that opinion from CNN, CBS, NBC, MSMBC, PBS, WAPO, NYT, WSJ, any sitting US Senator or Representative, or any of the other corporate- and/or think-tank- controlled media outlets or organization, you are being deceived, too.

Didn't take long for the tin-foil hat tigermud dropped on his way out to get filled...
If you got that opinion from CNN, CBS, NBC, MSMBC, PBS, WAPO, NYT, WSJ, any sitting US Senator or Representative, or any of the other corporate- and/or think-tank- controlled media outlets or organization, you are being deceived, too.

I saw what he said. If you are to blind to see it I cannot help you. It?s called the eye and ears test. He certainly called for them to March on the capital. It is amazing what some on this board and in the US will do to give this clown cover. Prove that he didn?t ?
Didn't take long for the tin-foil hat tigermud dropped on his way out to get filled...

Because the MSM or the government has never been caught in a deliberate deception ever. Sorry that I forgot about that.

Like I?ve said for a while now ... do your own investigation.
I saw what he said. If you are to blind to see it I cannot help you. It’s called the eye and ears test. He certainly called for them to March on the capital. It is amazing what some on this board and in the US will do to give this clown cover. Prove that he didn’t ?

I don’t have to prove a negative.

If you read or watched what he said on January 6 and then determine his words were incendiary, I disagree.

I am not offering cover; I think it was a mistake for Trump to appear and speak, but people are responsible for their own selves and make their own decisions. That’s essentially the essence of our form of government. Those individuals who personally incited and fomented violence should be prosecuted and are being prosecuted. Those vast numbers who demonstrated peacefully are fully within their rights.

And the MSM and opposition politicians are wont, considering their knee jerk response to this situation.
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I saw what he said. If you are to blind to see it I cannot help you. It?s called the eye and ears test. He certainly called for them to March on the capital. It is amazing what some on this board and in the US will do to give this clown cover. Prove that he didn?t ?

He did tell them to march, or something like that.

He said he would march with them, which he didn?t.

He didn?t tell them to riot.

I agree with byco; it was a mistake for him to appear and speak.

Ill advised was byco?s description of his request of Pence.

Anyway, he?s gone a week from Wednesday.
Don Jr was the one calling for "all out war". I don't believe what Trump said was quite as callous. Someone could link the tweet if I'm wrong.
The last Marketplace Tech podcast I listened to was asking how if we gave up/lost so much privacy since 9/11 so domestic terrorism could be better identified and storm the capital was all over certain parts of the internet, why weren't we prepared? They claim the terrorism search apparatus has been hijacked from its original mission and is mostly used to find illegal immigrants.
Tinsel the level of trump hate here is too much for me, people like bob have so much hate for trump and by extension hate for me, as I support what he tried to do for America wholeheartedly, unfortunately the level hate expressed here does not make me feel welcome and I don?t want to stay anywhere I don?t feel welcome. It takes everything I have to remain civil and not completely lose it on him and that is extremely sad for me given the shared interest history. I cannot continue to expose myself to this level of hatred it?s not good for the soul

If there is no way for me to remove my account myself please do it for me

Thank you

Fairly representative of what's going on with a lot of the nation, I don't think we disagree on many principles, just the facts of our situation.
Fairly representative of what's going on with a lot of the nation, I don't think we disagree on many principles, just the facts of our situation.

it's okay. let this snowflake go find a safe space he can call his own. We're too rough here.