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Internet Censorship.

The last Marketplace Tech podcast I listened to was asking how if we gave up/lost so much privacy since 9/11 so domestic terrorism could be better identified and storm the capital was all over certain parts of the internet, why weren't we prepared? They claim the terrorism search apparatus has been hijacked from its original mission and is mostly used to find illegal immigrants.

I remember sometime after 9/11, in an interview Noam Chomsky said all these anti-terror laws were not about "keeping us safe." The powers that be don't actually give a shit about any of that. If they did, they wouldn't allow everyone to drive cars with bad safety ratings and eat lots of food pumped full of high-fructose corn syrup. these powers were always about protecting American authorities from the American people.
I remember sometime after 9/11, in an interview Noam Chomsky said all these anti-terror laws were not about "keeping us safe." The powers that be don't actually give a shit about any of that. If they did, they wouldn't allow everyone to drive cars with bad safety ratings and eat lots of food pumped full of high-fructose corn syrup. these powers were always about protecting American authorities from the American people.

It's not "justice" it's "just-us."
As a Moderate Conservative, I feel I must preface my comments that the DC riots were not justifiable...but I have been consistent in saying the BLM riots were not justifiable either. However, the DC riots crossed a line, without doubt. There were several carrying Confederate flags into the Capitol building...that should have been considered a situation where the Oath to defend against all enemies Foreign and Domestic should have resulted in those bastards being shot on sight. People can call me out for that all they want, but if I was there I would have put a bullet in those fuckers and justified it as following the oath I took years ago and defending the US Constitution.

The Trump impeachment talk is a waste of time. He was essentially impeached when voted out. The attempt to prevent the EC votes from counting is a disgraceful event, but let's be real and acknowledge an impeachment only really changes the outcome by a few days, nothing worth wasting more tax payer money on. I heard someone say it would prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, but I'm pretty sure that the Reps would never allow him back in office in the Primary, and most assuredly the US citizens would not.

All that said, the actions being taken by Big Tech should not be taken lightly. Those monopolies are overstepping when they prevent public assembly. If there are egregious and aggressive comments made in those forums, that is the domain of the US govt to exercise their power to investigate the severity of the threat and neutralize it if proven to be a legitimate active threat to the US.

Let us take a moment to consider an alternate universe where Trump lost the popular vote but won the EC in 2020. Can we not picture a similar riot threatening the EC vote happening by those opposed to Trump? In that situation, perhaps the police do their jobs better...but let us not forget the continual call to have police restricted, even completely defunded, by several of those within Congress. To not see the irony there is to be blinded by political bias. And in that environment, would we have seen the internet squashing the multiple Social Media networks ability to allow these groups to perform those actions? Would Apple and Google remove Facebook? Would their servers be taken down? We can all recognize their bias would have prevented that from happening.

So right now the problem is Conservatives...the true American Conservatives who oppose the actions of the DC rioters and did not vote for Trump or agree with his antics...Conservatives are being lumped together with these extremists. Conservatives who opposed the BLM riots and oppose the Liberal extremists who are pushing Socialism are being blindly included into the same group as these unPatriotic, unAmerican, rioting assholes who have zero respect for the US Constitution. And THAT is really all the true Conservatives are attempting to preserve. We do not want extremists on the Right or Left to unlawfully attempt to change this nation. We do not want White Supremacy fuckheads in charge, nor do we want to change the Democratic Republic into a Democratic Socialist nation. We ARE for things like Police Reform and recognize fully that George Floyd was murdered and, frankly, that lead cop who had his knee on the neck deserves the Death Penalty.

If a POTUS were to have pursued federal charges against those cops, including potential Death Penalty charges, that would have sent an immediate message to the police forces that they better quickly change their tactics. Those cops violated their Oaths in a way that deserved Federal prosecutors to pursue DP against them, and frankly if they were considered to be "made an example of"...well, they would deserve the same amount of concerns that they displayed toward Floyd when they failed to even administer proper First Aid.

WE need to come together against all of the extremes. Conservatives are NOT the enemy, the radicals who have been improperly and incorrectly connected to Conservatives are the issue. Liberals are NOT the enemy, extremists who use rioting to promote their Socialist agenda are the issue. NOTE: Socialists who simply push for more Social programs such as childhood education and carrying for those unable to care for themselves are NOT the extremists I am looking at.

Good luck to us all...for otherwise a war will break out sooner than later.
As a Moderate Conservative, I feel I must preface my comments that the DC riots were not justifiable...but I have been consistent in saying the BLM riots were not justifiable either.

Too big a post to reply to all right now, but as for this part...

No riots were justifiable. Or ever are, or will be.

The problem is you have rotten apples spoiling the whole bunch in both situations. Both BLM and Capitol protests had a right to do just that, peaceably assemble and protest. The people who ruined both situations were criminals, whether it be throwing rocks through windows, setting fires, assaults, trespassing, vigilantism, etc.

So I'll say this as one of the boards extreme liberals, the D.C. protests were absolutely justified. Those people believed they had been cheated, lied to, and robbed of their role in the democratic process, so while I disagree with them, they had every right to assemble and protest peaceably, nothing is more American than that. It's the rotten apples we have to watch out for.
Too big a post to reply to all right now, but as for this part...

No riots were justifiable. Or ever are, or will be.

The problem is you have rotten apples spoiling the whole bunch in both situations. Both BLM and Capitol protests had a right to do just that, peaceably assemble and protest. The people who ruined both situations were criminals, whether it be throwing rocks through windows, setting fires, assaults, trespassing, vigilantism, etc.

So I'll say this as one of the boards extreme liberals, the D.C. protests were absolutely justified. Those people believed they had been cheated, lied to, and robbed of their role in the democratic process, so while I disagree with them, they had every right to assemble and protest peaceably, nothing is more American than that. It's the rotten apples we have to watch out for.

You really think that?

I see you as left, sure, but way closer to the center than extreme.
Too big a post to reply to all right now, but as for this part...

No riots were justifiable. Or ever are, or will be.

The problem is you have rotten apples spoiling the whole bunch in both situations. Both BLM and Capitol protests had a right to do just that, peaceably assemble and protest. The people who ruined both situations were criminals, whether it be throwing rocks through windows, setting fires, assaults, trespassing, vigilantism, etc.

So I'll say this as one of the boards extreme liberals, the D.C. protests were absolutely justified. Those people believed they had been cheated, lied to, and robbed of their role in the democratic process, so while I disagree with them, they had every right to assemble and protest peaceably, nothing is more American than that. It's the rotten apples we have to watch out for.

100% agree. See, even Libs and Cons agree on this. Peaceably assemble, you have my complete support. The bad apples who riot, especially destroying property of innocent people or doing a hostile takeover of a govt building, definitely not acceptable.

I read they arrested the leader of Proud Boys. That is good, just not liking the charges filed. I am sure he is a POS...but they arrested him for burning a BLM banner. THAT is the reason for arrest??? Don't get me wrong, NOT ok with burning a BLM banner, but if burning the US flag is no longer cause for arrest or fine, how is it ok to arrest for burning the BLM flag? Yes, it is a racist action that I disagree with, but I equally dislike burning US flag. Just my opinion tho.
100% agree. See, even Libs and Cons agree on this. Peaceably assemble, you have my complete support. The bad apples who riot, especially destroying property of innocent people or doing a hostile takeover of a govt building, definitely not acceptable.

I read they arrested the leader of Proud Boys. That is good, just not liking the charges filed. I am sure he is a POS...but they arrested him for burning a BLM banner. THAT is the reason for arrest??? Don't get me wrong, NOT ok with burning a BLM banner, but if burning the US flag is no longer cause for arrest or fine, how is it ok to arrest for burning the BLM flag? Yes, it is a racist action that I disagree with, but I equally dislike burning US flag. Just my opinion tho.

I just read he was arrested for destruction of property. If one was to burn somebody else?s US flag, that person could also likely be charged with destruction of property.

I?m going to go way out on a limb and say that his dislike of BLM has nothing to do with him being racist against blacks.

The dude is black himself.
I just read he was arrested for destruction of property. If one was to burn somebody else?s US flag, that person could also likely be charged with destruction of property.

I?m going to go way out on a limb and say that his dislike of BLM has nothing to do with him being racist against blacks.

The dude is black himself.

Hold up. The leader is black? Seems like there was a story a month or two ago about one of the higher ups in the proud boys saying they were done pretending they weren't white nationalists. How does that make any sense?
So, internet companies are now flexing some of the muscle we knew they had. Maybe there will be some alarm and effort to pass dinky little laws to prevent specific capabilities. But a lot of this power could be undercut with some strong individual data rights laws. I don't imagine we'll even have much of a conversation about it as a nation, let alone get anywhere close to implementing any good policy (which would be difficult to get right anyway.). There are even US-vs-China reasons to let our companies have this kind of power.
So, internet companies are now flexing some of the muscle we knew they had. Maybe there will be some alarm and effort to pass dinky little laws to prevent specific capabilities. But a lot of this power could be undercut with some strong individual data rights laws. I don't imagine we'll even have much of a conversation about it as a nation, let alone get anywhere close to implementing any good policy (which would be difficult to get right anyway.). There are even US-vs-China reasons to let our companies have this kind of power.

Don?t worry, Newsguard and its trustworthy advisory board will save us from ourselves, because we are incapable of critical thought.
There's a claim floating around that someone was able to create a backup of every post and picture on Parler. I guess they (Parler) were having IT issues while trying to backup everything themselves and they lowered the security to get it done.

edit: I found a story

This story says its only publicly available stuff that was copied.
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I searched for "vigilante data mining" and it doesn't appear to be a thing. When the Boston Marathon was bombed, a bunch of people online thought they figured out who did it and got it wrong.
There's a claim floating around that someone was able to create a backup of every post and picture on Parler. I guess they (Parler) were having IT issues while trying to backup everything themselves and they lowered the security to get it done.

edit: I found a story

This story says its only publicly available stuff that was copied.

“According to the Atlantic Council, Parler is one of the social media platforms popular with conservatives and extremists that was used to plan last week's riots. Others cited include Gab and MeWe.” Does this statement cause anyone else concern?
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?According to the Atlantic Council, Parler is one of the social media platforms popular with conservatives and extremists that was used to plan last week's riots. Others cited include Gab and MeWe.? Does this statement cause anyone else concern?

I am concerned regarding many things.

1. While I get that Parler is about free speech, they should monitor the information to ensure there is not something extreme being posted. Conservatives would not be ok with it being used to, say, increase Human Traffic/Slavery or creating Socialist attacks against the government. What happened in DC should not be considered acceptable; however, I am unsure the degree to which Parler was used to insight a riot. Was it used to organize a peaceful protest? Well, that should be allowed. It is not the fault of Parler if during that protest, the individuals involved created a upsurge in anger that resulted in a riot. How can one hold Parler responsible for the words and actions of people when not on the platform?

2. Facebook and other Social Media was similarly used as a way for people to create a public assembly for peaceful protest for months. At no point when those protests transformed into riots were they held to this level of accountability. Some of those riots targeted Local, State, and Federal buildings...just not the Capitol building.

The degree to which these platforms are used to insight a riot is debatable. They should be available to individuals wishing to share information, even if that information is to a degree angry and a way for many to vent their frustrations. That is different than the sight promoting all out rebellion. Should these Conservative sights implement some form of Monitoring, yes...but it is a fine line that ALL Social Media is failing to control with 100% accuracy in preventing rioting. If only Parler and Conservative outlets are to be held accountable like this, THAT in itself is a problem. Big Tech cannot be allowed to prevent freedom of assembly and peaceable protesting simply because they disagree with a given group's politics.

Our government requires a balance of both Lib and Con perspectives, discussed at times passionately, but always within the confines of remaining respectful and often an agree to disagree structure. Liberals have been continually pushing to restrict Conservative views, this seems like yet another weapon they are deploying.
they should monitor the information to ensure there is not something extreme being posted.

Unfortunately, the gray area of what's extreme is pretty much impossible to solve with fair, enforceable rules. "I don't know anything about those people, but they like me so I like them" isn't extreme language without the context that they are conspiracy nuts that think you are speaking in code about taking down a pedophile ring that's stealing an election.
?According to the Atlantic Council, Parler is one of the social media platforms popular with conservatives and extremists that was used to plan last week's riots. Others cited include Gab and MeWe.? Does this statement cause anyone else concern?

Never heard of Atlantic Council, Gab or MeWe.

During the height of the riots last summer, I heard that many of the events that devolved into riots were organized on social media.

Was the Jan 6 riot planned on social media to be a riot? Or was it planned initially as a protest.

Concerned, not surprised.
Was the Jan 6 riot planned on social media to be a riot? Or was it planned initially as a protest.
My guess is it's like with BLM: mostly protesters, some rioters knew what they wanted to do. At this point, I expect some of this doxing to go wrong.
I need to redirect the emphasis on post 1394:

"According to the Atlantic Council, Parler is one of the social media platforms popular with conservatives and extremists that was used to plan last week's riots. Others cited include Gab and MeWe.”

The Atlantic Council is a DC NGO Think Tank that was established in 1961 to fulfill its mission of "'shaping the global future together.'” It is also the PR arm of NATO.

Its long list of donors illustrates its influence.

Here is the list of its $1,000,000 donors:

Adrienne Arsht
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Elizabeth Lux Foundation
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Bahaa Hariri
The Rockefeller Foundation

The International Advisory Board is a cadre of globalists:

Secretary Madeleine Albright, Former US Secretary of State (500,000 dead Iraqi children were "worth it.") Link
Mr. Philippe Amon, Chairman and CEO, SICPA Holding SA
Mr. Tewodros Ashenafi, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Southwest Holdings
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
President Jos? Mar?a Aznar, Former President of the Government of Spain
Mr. Alain Bejjani, CEO and Director, Majjid Al Futtaim
Prime Minister Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Mr. J. Neal Blue, Chairman and CEO, General Atomics
Mr. Victor L.L. Chu, Chairman and CEO, First Eastern Investment Group
Lieutenant General James Clapper, Former US Director of National Intelligence
Mr. Claudio Descalzi, CEO, Eni
Mr. Markus Dohle, CEO, Penguin Random House
General Joseph F. Dunford, Former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mr. Richard Edelman, CEO, Edelman
Mr. Guillaume Faury, CEO, Airbus SE
President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Former President of Croatia
Mr. Mario Greco, CEO, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.
Mr. Mehmet N. G?nal, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and President, Mapa Group
Secretary Charles T. Hagel, Former US Secretary of Defense
Mr. Bahaa R. Hariri
Mr. Steve Hasker, President and CEO, Thomson Reuters
Mr. Gregory J. Hayes, Chairman and CEO, United Technologies Corp.
Mr. Yongsoo Huh, President and CEO, GS Energy
Mr. Hunter Hunt, President and CEO, Hunt Consolidated Energy, LLC
Mr. Majid H. Jafar, CEO, Crescent Petroleum
Mr. Micael Johansson, President and CEO, SAAB AB
President Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Former President of Poland
Ambassador Giampiero Massolo, Chairman, Fincantieri SpA
Secretary Ernest Moniz, Former US Secretary of Energy
Mr. Robert E. Moritz, Chairman and Senior Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
Mr. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman, Fox Corporation
Ms. Ebru ?zdemir, Chairwoman, Limak Investments
Mr. Dimitri Papalexopoulos, Chairman and CEO, Titan Group
Mr. Victor Pinchuk, Founder, East One Ltd.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Former Secretary General of NATO
Prime Minister Kevin M. Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia
Mr. Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder, The Blackstone Group
Secretary Lawrence H. Summers, Former US Secretary of the Treasury
Mr. James C. Temerty, Chairman and Director, Northland Power
Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt, Former Prime Minister of Denmark
Mr. Divyank Turakhia, Founder and CIO, Div Capital
Mr. Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB
Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, Former President of the World Bank

Read this glop of double-speak:

"Societies are experiencing rapid shifts in the 21st century due to accelerating technological change, shifting cultural norms, and greater inclusion and equity. At the same time, deepening threats from climate change, migration, and violent conflict can pose significant challenges to societies and require solutions beyond typical political or economic policies. Effective policy making in the next century will require looking at issues through new lenses, taking into account all segments of society and the unique challenges they will need to confront."

We becoming unmanageable, it appears.

I'll leave you to pursue this and other think tanks as you please, but they are "not what [they] appear to be." to quote John Lennon.

And slag the Daily Caller all you want, but it has the Emails: Link.
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I need to redirect the emphasis on post 1394:

The Atlantic Council is a DC NGO Think Tank that was established in 1961 to fulfill its mission of "'?shaping the global future together.'? It is also the PR arm of NATO.

I'll leave you to pursue this and other think tanks as you please, but they are "not what they appear to be." to quote John Lennon.

Yes, I know all that now, I looked it up.

Also looked up Gap and the other one.

That?s interesting, I don?t remember any John Lennon songs that were about think tanks.

What song is that from?