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Internet Censorship.

Yes, I know all that now, I looked it up.

Also looked up Gap and the other one.

That’s interesting, I don’t remember any John Lennon songs that were about think tanks.

What song is that from?

It's Lennon's message that, IMO, was the first of several that told the world that The Beatles were "not what 'I' appear to be."

The song is "I'm A Loser." Ironic that you kinda got the jist of my subtext. It was meant for me alone.
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It's Lennon's message that, IMO, was the first of several that told the world that The Beatles were "not what 'I' appear to be."

The song is "I'm A Loser." Ironic that you kinda got the jist of my subtext. It was meant for me alone.

A person gotta wake up pretty early to slip subtext past this ol? rooster.
As a Moderate Conservative, I feel I must preface my comments that the DC riots were not justifiable...but I have been consistent in saying the BLM riots were not justifiable either. However, the DC riots crossed a line, without doubt. There were several carrying Confederate flags into the Capitol building...that should have been considered a situation where the Oath to defend against all enemies Foreign and Domestic should have resulted in those bastards being shot on sight. People can call me out for that all they want, but if I was there I would have put a bullet in those fuckers and justified it as following the oath I took years ago and defending the US Constitution.

as a social, political and fiscal conservative, I have to say I find this position rather extreme. Carrying a confederate flag, even in the capitol, while stupid and ill-advised isn't a violation of the constitution and certainly not one that warrants summary execution. I would feel the same if the idiots were carrying ANTIFA flags into the Capitol. There should probably be some more concrete evidence that they were indeed attempting a coup rather just being extremely stupid.
100% agree. See, even Libs and Cons agree on this. Peaceably assemble, you have my complete support. The bad apples who riot, especially destroying property of innocent people or doing a hostile takeover of a govt building, definitely not acceptable.

I read they arrested the leader of Proud Boys. That is good, just not liking the charges filed. I am sure he is a POS...but they arrested him for burning a BLM banner. THAT is the reason for arrest??? Don't get me wrong, NOT ok with burning a BLM banner, but if burning the US flag is no longer cause for arrest or fine, how is it ok to arrest for burning the BLM flag? Yes, it is a racist action that I disagree with, but I equally dislike burning US flag. Just my opinion tho.

The guy is afro-cuban so I don't see it as racist - disagreeing with a movement, even to the point where you burn their flag doesn't make it a racist action. The issue is he stole the flag - I think from a DC Baptist church. If it was his own flag and he chose to burn it, I don't think he would have been arrested.
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I just read he was arrested for destruction of property. If one was to burn somebody else?s US flag, that person could also likely be charged with destruction of property.

I?m going to go way out on a limb and say that his dislike of BLM has nothing to do with him being racist against blacks.

The dude is black himself.

sorry, I responded to the same post before reading this.
Originally Posted by zyxt9 As a Moderate Conservative, I feel I must preface my comments that the DC riots were not justifiable...but I have been consistent in saying the BLM riots were not justifiable either. However, the DC riots crossed a line, without doubt. There were several carrying Confederate flags into the Capitol building...that should have been considered a situation where the Oath to defend against all enemies Foreign and Domestic should have resulted in those bastards being shot on sight. People can call me out for that all they want, but if I was there I would have put a bullet in those fuckers and justified it as following the oath I took years ago and defending the US Constitution.

Have you ever heard of Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth?
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The guy is afro-cuban so I don't see it as racist - disagreeing with a movement, even to the point where you burn their flag doesn't make it a racist action. The issue is he stole the flag - I think from a DC Baptist church. If it was his own flag and he chose to burn it, I don't think he would have been arrested.

Leo Terrell, Candace Owens and Kira Davis are black pundits whom I know of off the top of my head do not like BLM at all.

Sportswriter/social commentator Jason Whitlock not a BLM fan at all.
My guess is it's like with BLM: mostly protesters, some rioters knew what they wanted to do. At this point, I expect some of this doxing to go wrong.

Here's some HuffPo clips of Trump's speech from that day.

I'd also be curious to see what other messaging lead people there before I give anyone who marched on the capitol a pass as a "peaceful protestor."

I don't think TRUMP himself gets a pass... he tells them to march on the capitol, and claims he's going with them!! then, like the coward he always was, he goes back to the white house and at some point tweeted at them to go home... too little too late.

by this point he had been actively fanning the flames among his supporters on this same issue for close to two months, and he's the goddamn president, for heaven's sakes, and if the buck doesn't stop with him, then there is no buck and we're admitting these people are all a completely uncontrollable mass of savages.

Also, in my mind a protestor is someone standing there using non-violent means of expression: visual, oral, audio, etc.

If I'm advancing with a mob who is forcefully attempting to open a building and unlawfully arrest/kidnap/attack/murder? the sitting elected officials inside, then I'm not a protestor... I'm a rioter.. or a criminal. Doesn't matter if I didn't intend to actually harm someone inside, or broke any windows, I'm for all practical purposes supporting those who are, lending weight to their numbers.
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I think it's not worth risking your life over mere symbolism; in our present time, some of these stupid assholes weren't actually committing an insurrection, even if they thought they were. they're just posing for pictures for their facebook page; they want to be the most popular guy in their local MAGA group.

Ellsworth should've shot first in that case though. I don't have any sympathy for slaveowners. or those who would commit armed treason in defense of slavery.
Leo Terrell, Candace Owens and Kira Davis are black pundits whom I know of off the top of my head do not like BLM at all.

Sportswriter/social commentator Jason Whitlock not a BLM fan at all.

It's pretty transparent in all these cases they're - QUITE OBVIOUSLY - doing it for personal financial gain. So in my mind it doesn't follow that the movements they might align with or apologize for aren't racist.
they're all racists - especially Stacy Dash.

I have another simple question for you.

Let's say a black man, who was also a paid pundit, gave a speech saying the Ku Klux Klan was not racist, and the real racists were black people themselves .

Would you use this as evidence to conclude that the Ku Klux Klan was not racist?
I thought this was the dumbest thing I?ve read this week...

It's pretty transparent in all these cases they're - QUITE OBVIOUSLY - doing it for personal financial gain. So in my mind it doesn't follow that the movements they might align with or apologize for aren't racist.

But then you posted this...

I have another simple question for you.

Let's say a black man, who was also a paid pundit, gave a speech saying the Ku Klux Klan was not racist, and the real racists were black people themselves .

Would you use this as evidence to conclude that the Ku Klux Klan was not racist?
Unfortunately, the gray area of what's extreme is pretty much impossible to solve with fair, enforceable rules. "I don't know anything about those people, but they like me so I like them" isn't extreme language without the context that they are conspiracy nuts that think you are speaking in code about taking down a pedophile ring that's stealing an election.

Extreme would be something like "we are going to take out XYZ, let's meet up and make that happen" at a minimum. More extreme could exist...but planning a public assembly with intention of causing damage to people or property would be grounds to alert the proper authorities. At which point in time the company is responsible for retaining the records and providing as much info as possible to the authorities.

I have been banned for trying to illuminate people that today's buzzword "Inclusivity" is simultaneously "Exclusive" in its use. Why did that deserve being banned...as in PERMANENTLY banned...by a major Social Media website? Well, because some "enlightened" individual with a college degree in "Diversity and Inclusivity" deemed me to be using intolerant language. I didn't even curse and was clearly presenting my viewpoint, even followed it up with examples including research from a Stanford University's professor on the topic. The Mods deemed it offensive and refused to even discuss the situation. Why? Because it did not fit into their Inclusivity practices and their agenda.

So, yes, lots of gray...but the point being that Big Tech is too powerful and using their power to silence anyone with even the slightest voice that disagrees with their agenda is too much. Now they are not only banning individuals, they are banning entire companies that host Conservative voices. Where does it end? How long until less extreme Liberals are being banned for not agreeing with those at the extreme edge? Seems that Stanford professor will be fired soon.

Without balance, the nation is going to devolve into war, which will likely completely eliminate the important voices on one side. You are a scientist, you can appreciate the importance of balanced equations. The Founders did the best they could to create a government that had balance. It worked ok until Big Tech interfered. Now it is all screwed up. If the SC rules against Big Tech, they will pressure Biden to move forward with stacking the court so that Big Tech will win any lawsuits against them. The path forward at this point is not one to look upon with eager enthusiasm.

Ironic that in 1984, Apple's Super Bowl commercial was regarding an Orwellian culture. Back then they thought themselves against such an environment, now they are complicit.
It's pretty transparent in all these cases they're - QUITE OBVIOUSLY - doing it for personal financial gain. So in my mind it doesn't follow that the movements they might align with or apologize for aren't racist.

You don?t know that.

You don?t know what?s in a person?s heart.

Do you know actually know anything about any of the people I listed?
You don’t know that.

You don’t know what’s in a person’s heart.

Do you know actually know anything about any of the people I listed?

discrediting them as greedy capitalist race traitors is easier than arguing facts to dispute their positions.

I haven't heard of Terrell or Davis but I would add Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell to the list - both are pretty interesting, particularly Thomas Sowell.
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as a social, political and fiscal conservative, I have to say I find this position rather extreme. Carrying a confederate flag, even in the capitol, while stupid and ill-advised isn't a violation of the constitution and certainly not one that warrants summary execution. I would feel the same if the idiots were carrying ANTIFA flags into the Capitol. There should probably be some more concrete evidence that they were indeed attempting a coup rather just being extremely stupid.

I apologize if it seems extreme, I personally consider anyone carrying that damn flag to be a traitor to this nation, one that lost the war yet has repeatedly stated they want to resume it at a moment's notice. I would have loved to see every fucking Confederate statue torn down and that fucking flag be carried by someone should immediately put them on the Domestic Terrorist list. They have used it to terrorize Black, Jewish, and other non-white Americans, even illegally killing them simply for being a different race.

Fuck anyone who flies that POS flag...and anyone doing it within the Capitol during a blatant attempt at mutiny, sedition, or whatever word one wants to apply is an act of treason by a Domestic Terrorist, armed or not, and deserving of any and all force necessary to end their challenge to the US and our Constitution.

Biggest mistake in US history was not ending slavery when the nation was founded. Second biggest was allowing these fuckwads to continue having the power to operate essentially as normal after the Civil War in the attempt to help the nation heal. All they did was abuse the opportunity and do all the same things with all the racism and hatred they had before.

If we were at a bar and drunk as shit, I would tell you how I really feel about them, but on here I will leave it at this.
Wild how the Confederacy was only around for 4 years and yet that flag is still being waved. The Harbaugh Era at Michigan has gone on longer than the Confederacy.