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Internet Censorship.

then how did Obama manage to double the national debt?

Biden has been in office less than 2 months and is about to hand out $1.9B for COVID relief.

Both R and D are just printing money like crazy these days.
As for the military spending, y'all are not comprehending the Chinese buildup thanks to US buying everything Made In China.

In 2019 alone, China built more ships than the US did during all of WWII.

Let that sink in. They did that with US money.

WWII saw massive US ship production.

We only have ourselves to blame.
As for the military spending, y'all are not comprehending the Chinese buildup thanks to US buying everything Made In China.

google the ex-google-CEO's recent comments about China and AI. Eric Schmidt.
As for the military spending, y'all are not comprehending the Chinese buildup thanks to US buying everything Made In China.

In 2019 alone, China built more ships than the US did during all of WWII.

Let that sink in. They did that with US money.

WWII saw massive US ship production.

We only have ourselves to blame.

that seems unlikely. I find this hard to believe.

that seems unlikely. I find this hard to believe.


"Put in a historical perspective, China's shipbuilding numbers are staggering -- dwarfing even the US efforts of World War II. China built more ships in one year of peace time (2019) than the US did in four of war (1941-1945)."

The above paragraph is pretty far down into the CNN article here:


I was shocked by that as well, but coming from Leftist CNN there was no need to consider it a Right White Supremacist writer going off on China.

This is a massive concern when considering China's actions in South China Sea, willingness to attack Taiwan, and more. Their money to build all of this came from the US, and they will use it against us.

Trump is an ass and I disagree with much of his comments and behavior, but his attempts to get US business to leave China and change that trade situation was spot on. The challenge also lies in the other manufacturing nations and companies sourcing parts from China, so even things that say "Made In USA" could be put together using parts sourced from China. It is a massive isssue.
CNN isn't leftist... it's the broadcasting division of WarnerMedia News & Sports, a division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, one of the largest media corporations in the United States.

Consider CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, etc. to be state media, much like Pravda in the Soviet Union. Glad I could clear this up for you. You're welcome.
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CNN isn't leftist... it's the broadcasting division of WarnerMedia News & Sports, a division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, one of the largest media corporations in the United States.

Consider CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, etc. to be state media, much like Pravda in the Soviet Union. Glad I could clear this up for you. You're welcome.

Like I said...Leftist
that article appears to conflate merchant shipbuilding with military shipbuilding, and also includes conjecture from 2020, even though it was updated last week.
that article appears to conflate merchant shipbuilding with military shipbuilding, and also includes conjecture from 2020, even though it was updated last week.

You are not recognizing that WWII shipbuilding included many merchant vessels for running supplies not just for military war efforts. They shipped considerable goods back and forth with merchants and had to ramp up those shipbuilding efforts along with military shipbuilding efforts.
Ok, I google and see that Schmidt say said a lot about China and AI.

The stuff I was talking about is this:
"America is not prepared to defend or compete in the AI era,"
"We must win the AI competition that is intensifying strategic competition with China," said Schmidt and Work. "China's plans, resources, and progress should concern all Americans. We take seriously China's ambition to surpass the United States as the world's AI leader within a decade."


This is also about chips. I don't see the quote here, but there was also a quote about China being 5-10 times ahead of us in 5G.

And...if you think Trump is so great on China, on this issue, America First was stupid. It pushes other countries to use Huawei's 5G hardware. What did Trump actually achieve regarding China? (Other than getting his daughters some copyrights)
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Ok, I google and see that Schmidt say said a lot about China and AI.

The stuff I was talking about is this:


This is also about chips. I don't see the quote here, but there was also a quote about China being 5-10 times ahead of us in 5G.

And...if you think Trump is so great on China, on this issue, America First was stupid. It pushes other countries to use Huawei's 5G hardware. What did Trump actually achieve regarding China? (Other than getting his daughters some copyrights)

AI is definitely another aspect where China is a massive threat, especially with their surge in cyber attacks.

I did not mean to imply Trump was great in any way, just saying he was accurate in attempting to change the dynamics of trade with China yet the Leftists condemned him on that repeatedly.

I did not say America First was good, only attempt to change the China trades that have so heavily favored China for decades. I am all for moving all current China deals to other countries...Mexico, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, etc...but the issue I touched upon is those nations should not be sourcing parts from China and that is an even more difficult piece to the puzzle.

We need to immediately stop buying things Made In China, but we cannot because damn near everything comes from there at this point.
I do not think this is something POTUS can fix...Americans must challenge businesses to change.
AI is definitely another aspect where China is a massive threat, especially with their surge in cyber attacks.

I did not mean to imply Trump was great in any way, just saying he was accurate in attempting to change the dynamics of trade with China yet the Leftists condemned him on that repeatedly.

I did not say America First was good, only attempt to change the China trades that have so heavily favored China for decades. I am all for moving all current China deals to other countries...Mexico, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, etc...but the issue I touched upon is those nations should not be sourcing parts from China and that is an even more difficult piece to the puzzle.

We need to immediately stop buying things Made In China, but we cannot because damn near everything comes from there at this point.
I do not think this is something POTUS can fix...Americans must challenge businesses to change.

When it comes to AI, whoever has the most data, has the best AI. If it's American companies vs Chinese companies, we're probably toast with regard to data. They got more people plugging in, less concern about data rights, and less old infrastructure to replace which gets you faster buy in to banking and shopping through social media apps. We push back on all this. We tell facebook they can't have a currency and try to push back on data collection. That's not happening over there. If we don't get the rest of the world on board with our system instead of theirs, we've got no chance of approaching the amount of data they are collecting.

We're so busy worrying about Kodos, we're going to hand leadership over to Kang.
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It's a shame you don't use that same logic when it comes to helping the environment, i.e. the Paris Climate Agreement.

It's not really the same - in the instance of defense spending there's no treaty holding certain countries to some arbitrary standard and preventing others from simply riding the coattails of the big spenders. With the Paris Climate nonsense, we bowed to the whims of european bureaucrats who allowed the worst polluters in the world to continue with business as usual because they sell cheap garbage to the countries exempting them. Not a great comparison or a big "gotcha."

Since in your eyes bombing the shit out of other countries is of the utmost importance, what e̶n̶t̶i̶t̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ human services would you like to see cut first? Medicare? Medicaid? Social Security? Income Security? I'm curious which one jumps to the top of your 'not my problem' list.

I'm not in favor of this but I am in favor of having a strong military. I've also clearly supported reforming military spending. As for entitlement programs, I'd start with reforming welfare and social security and I'd get rid of the minimum wage completely. Massive amounts of the Medicare and Medicaid budgets are lost to fraud - I'd seek to reform that right away. Nothing would be off the table for reform, cuts, or even potential elimination.
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Cancel Culture going after Loony Tunes now, there is no end to this madness, when they come for you it'll be too late to say enough already.
I'd get rid of the minimum wage completely.

In my view, if you don't want to bump minimum wage right now, you should probably want to do away with it completely. If it's a thing we want, it should happen by little steps, often, all the time. Not a handful of big steps taking place every other decade.

Should we have it at all, to me, depends on the strength of unions. If unions are strong, I don't think we need a minimum wage. Seems more capitalist to me to have unions pushing on big employers and mom & pop places facing less resistance than to have the government apply a rule to everyone.

But, if unions don't exist that can push back on the biggest employers, then I understand the acceptance of the government approach.
It's not really the same - in the instance of defense spending there's no treaty holding certain countries to some arbitrary standard while allowing the worst polluters in the world to continue with business as usual because they sell cheap garbage to the countries exempting them. Not a great comparison or a big "gotcha."

I'm not in favor of this but I am in favor of having a strong military. I've also clearly supported reforming military spending. As for entitlement programs, I'd start with reforming welfare and social security and I'd get rid of the minimum wage completely. Massive amounts of the Medicare and Medicaid budgets are lost to fraud - I'd seek to reform that right away. Nothing would be off the table for reform, cuts, or even potential elimination.

Reforms to address fraud that sucks up money fraudulently - hence the use of the word fraud - in entitlements, military, education, farm and other industrial subsidies, criminal justice...what else? - anything, I guess - would be a good thing.

Fraud is never good for anyone except for the crooks who do it - until they get caught.

I?m for cutting out fraud wherever we can find it.

That is my position and I will not waver.
Nobody's for fraud. But who's for funding regulatory, investigative, and auditing efforts?