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Jeffrey Epstein matter reopened... going to get ugly

Back when this all was breaking and Epstein didn't kill himself, I just laid off when everyone was saying it had to be the Clintons who had him whacked, because the same people saying that were the ones sticking to the story Trump and Epstein were "minor acquaintances", and would never believe it's more likely a hit came from the Trump camp, what with him and Donald actually be named co-defendants in a rape case of an 14 year old.

In the end, there are probably a lot more scumbags involved we will never know about after the 'Rona gets her.

Guessing you're not aware that the accuser filed that case 3 times and all 3 times withdrew the suit and that there was no pending allegation or litigation when Epstein killed himself 3 years after the most recent withdrawal. The allegation and suit probably had nothing to do with the election, given the timing of the filing, withdrawal, subesequent re-filing and re-withdrawing then again for both for good measure all taking place between June and October 2016. Then, miraculously not a word about it after the election. It was probably a really strong case though which would make Trump just as likely as Clinton who had 18 burner phones in Epstein's rolodex and was a regular on the Lolita Express as well as Epstein's rape island to want the guy dead.
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Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre has been ordered by a US District Judge to destroy files that contain names of the billionaire sex trafficker?s associates because they were improperly obtained.

Senior US District Judge Loretta Preska also said that Giuffre?s attorneys will need to provide proof that the documents have been destroyed and that, ?Counsel shall submit an affidavit detailing the steps taken to do so.?

?Preska?s ruling came after a request by attorney Alan Dershowitz to gain access to the documents. Giuffre has claimed that Dershowitz was one of the men Epstein forced her to have sex with. In response, Dershowitz sued Giuffre for defamation in 2019. Dershowitz claimed that obtaining the Epstein files would be an asset to his defense,? reports Newsweek.

?Preska said in her ruling that Dershowitz?s desire to see all of the files ?with over a thousand docket entries? was not a ?targeted strike? but a ?carpet bombing.?
The documents, which run to some 2,000 pages long, apparently contain hundreds of names of people linked to Epstein.

As we highlighted yesterday, a lawyer for another of Epstein?s accusers thinks that Ghislaine Maxwell could reveal a ?bigger name? involved in Epstein?s pedophile network in order to secure a plea deal following her arrest.

?I?m sure that Ghislaine?s attorneys will try to make a deal where she speaks out about a bigger name to get reduced charges for herself,? said Lisa Bloom.
One caveat to that is that Epstein was reportedly trying to cut a similar deal, only to turn up dead a week later.


what does "improperly obtained" mean? doesn't necessarily sound like they were illegally obtained.
Guessing you're not aware that the accuser filed that case 3 times and all 3 times withdrew the suit and that there was no pending allegation or litigation when Epstein killed himself 3 years after the most recent withdrawal. The allegation and suit probably had nothing to do with the election, given the timing of the filing, withdrawal, subesequent re-filing and re-withdrawing then again for both for good measure all taking place between June and October 2016. Then, miraculously not a word about it after the election. It was probably a really strong case though which would make Trump just as likely as Clinton who had 18 burner phones in Epstein's rolodex and was a regular on the Lolita Express as well as Epstein's rape island to want the guy dead.

I am aware of all of it, and again, was why I never bothered posting it before, because just like Sgg predicted, it would have become a "my guy was innocent, while your guy was guilty as hell" thing like what you just posted.

Lots of people had motive to see Epstein silenced, lets not make excuses for any of them.
I am aware of all of it, and again, was why I never bothered posting it before, because just like Sgg predicted, it would have become a "my guy was innocent, while your guy was guilty as hell" thing like what you just posted.

Lots of people had motive to see Epstein silenced, lets not make excuses for any of them.

That?s not what I just posted and I doubt you were aware of anything other than the accusation until a a couple days ago.

I?m not making any excuses, I just don?t accept the idea that everyone who has been in the frame of a photo of Epstein is a pedophile rapist. So far the most compelling evidence has implicated Clinton and Prince Andrew and possibly Allan Dershowitz. The evidence against Trump so far seems like a political attempt to create guilt by association.
The evidence against Trump so far seems like a political attempt to create guilt by association.

I held that belief until I saw his name on the flight manifest of Epstein's plane. Considering his checkered past, that was enough for me. He's right up there with Clinton in my eyes.
Wow, you’re digging really deep to exonerate Trump as a pedophile/rapist when it’s openly known and well documented OUTSIDE of Epstein.

And how is this political? Men who rape girls deserve all that they get in prison, regardless of party affiliation. When the Epstein murder story broke it was all WhatAboutIsm and Bill Clinton.

Fuck Bill Clinton, Fuck Jeff Epstein, FUCK Donald Trump and fuck Putin who bankrolled Epstein.
When the Catholic "priest" (I believe that those who sexually abused boys entered the priesthood to solely satisfy their pernicious desires, and those who enabled this are as complicit, and they are intending infiltrators.) scandal surfaced again in 2018, a priest in Minneapolis gave a prescient and thorough homily on the reasons why, and what was to follow. Essentially, he said that the rest of society would be exposed for having the same sickness.

Here is a link to that homily, given on August 19, 2018. These are the priests that are not featured in the media. The holy priests who want to save souls and do not care about their personal comfort.
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Wow, you’re digging really deep to exonerate Trump as a pedophile/rapist when it’s openly known and well documented OUTSIDE of Epstein.

And how is this political? Men who rape girls deserve all that they get in prison, regardless of party affiliation. When the Epstein murder story broke it was all WhatAboutIsm and Bill Clinton.

Fuck Bill Clinton, Fuck Jeff Epstein, FUCK Donald Trump and fuck Putin who bankrolled Epstein.

can you provide a few links for this openly known and well documented evidence? within or outside Epstein's circle.

Are you really asking how this could be political? And do you really think this is about whether or not some people think pedophiles and rapists deserve justice?

Edit: Don’t forget Joe Biden. There's numerous documented, photographed and recorded instances of him publicly touching women and kids inappropriately and telling crazy stories about kids rubbing his legs in the pool and then there's his former staffer who recently accused him of sexually assaulting him. F him too, right? or do we have to lionize him for 20 years and then throw him to the wolves like Clinton, because Orange man bad?
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I held that belief until I saw his name on the flight manifest of Epstein's plane. Considering his checkered past, that was enough for me. He's right up there with Clinton in my eyes.

As I recall when this all came out, there's a record of him taking one flight and one of Epstein's accusers confirmed he was on the flight but said he didn't have sex with her or any other girls on the flight.

Edit: Not sure if this is the right article, but it effectively says what I said above. Apologies to Not-White Vic if that’s digging too deep to exonerate Trump
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When the Catholic "priest" (I believe that those who sexually abused boys entered the priesthood to solely satisfy their pernicious desires, and those who enabled this are as complicit, and they are intending infiltrators.) scandal surfaced again in 2018, a priest in Minneapolis gave a prescient and thorough homily on the reasons why, and what was to follow. Essentially, he said that the rest of society would be exposed for having the same sickness.

Here is a link to that homily, given on August 19, 2018. These are the priests that are not featured in the media. The holy priests who want to save souls and do not care about their personal comfort.

I think you're right but I also believe a lot of pedophiles probably entered the priesthood as a way to repress or avoid their sexual proclivity. I think that's also why a lot of gay men turned to the priesthood, especially when homosexuality was less accepted by society.

I've been making the point about society at large on DSF for a couple years - sexual abuse of children is no more prevalent in the Catholic Church than it is in any other religion or society at large. Your child is at least as likely to be sexually abused in the public school system as he or she is in the Church.
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Wow, you?re digging really deep to exonerate Trump as a pedophile/rapist when it?s openly known and well documented OUTSIDE of Epstein.

And how is this political? Men who rape girls deserve all that they get in prison, regardless of party affiliation. When the Epstein murder story broke it was all WhatAboutIsm and Bill Clinton.

Fuck Bill Clinton, Fuck Jeff Epstein, FUCK Donald Trump and fuck Putin who bankrolled Epstein.

Well all..... fucking righty then!
I held that belief until I saw his name on the flight manifest of Epstein's plane. Considering his checkered past, that was enough for me. He's right up there with Clinton in my eyes.

What we need is an island manifest.
Like, totally dying of the Covid...

but will the Covid cause of death be associated with a completely unrelated car crash, or a completely unrelated abortion, or some completely unrelated black on black crime?

The statistics I provided weeks ago but were ignored in favor of crackpot YouTube videos indicate pneumonia is the most likely 'cause'.

But those choices would fit the current climate. I'll go with 'yes'.
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I think you're right but I also believe a lot of pedophiles probably entered the priesthood as a way to repress or avoid their sexual proclivity. I think that's also why a lot of gay men turned to the priesthood, especially when homosexuality was less accepted by society.

That's like saying, as the homilist says, alcoholics frequent bars to avoid drinking. No, this was a deliberate and calculated infiltration that began in the 1920s. Very few of them were pedophiles; < 2%.

I've been making the point about society at large on DSF for a couple years - sexual abuse of children is no more prevalent in the Catholic Church than it is in any other religion or society at large. Your child is at least as likely to be sexually abused in the public school system as he or she is in the Church.

Or by very rich men with an air of invincibility.
Depending on who's team is in the picture, as this thread is very clearly proving true.

I don't think that's remotely accurate. My post was sarcastic. I haven't posted a single Epstein pic or drawn a single conclusion from any pictures. I've drawn my conclusions about Clinton, Prince Andrew, Trump and to a lesser extent, Dershowitz based on eye-witness accounts, victims detailed accusations, the fact that Epstein had 18 burner phones linked to Clinton in his rolodex and the actions of the accused. The idea that I'm drawing partisan line conclusions using pictures for one side and dismissing photos for the other is pretty weak.
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I don't think that's remotely accurate. My post was sarcastic. I haven't posted a single Epstein pic or drawn a single conclusion from any pictures. I've drawn my conclusions about Clinton, Prince Andrew, Trump and to a lesser extent, Dershowitz based on eye-witness accounts, victims detailed accusations, the fact that Epstein had 18 burner phones linked to Clinton in his rolodex and the actions of the accused. The idea that I'm drawing partisan line conclusions using pictures for one side and dismissing photos for the other is pretty weak.

The thread in general. Not you specifically.
That's like saying, as the homilist says, alcoholics frequent bars to avoid drinking. No, this was a deliberate and calculated infiltration that began in the 1920s. Very few of them were pedophiles; < 2%.

Or by very rich men with an air of invincibility.

not really, because bars are where you go to drink. the priesthood requires an oath of celibacy, people who devote themselves to the priesthood commit to resisting their sexual urges. Bars don't actively prohibit or even discourage drinking.
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