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Jeffrey Epstein matter reopened... going to get ugly

God killed the dinosaurs. Enough of a reason for me not to trust him. He hath given life and he hath taken it away. So did Hitler.
God killed the dinosaurs. Enough of a reason for me not to trust him. He hath given life and he hath taken it away. So did Hitler.

Ah, so I take it you don't hold Shiva, The Destroyer, in particular esteem


you must follow one of the other traditions of Hinduism.
I think Shiva is either a "he" or a "both" when it comes to gender. Maybe that's a different Shiva. I don't know. I only played VII.
In FF, I always thought she was a she...and cold. I thought she was cold and icy. Freeze your ass.
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Yeah. The state of California is claiming authority in that situation. But does the Church do this?

The State of California's claim of authority, in this circumstance, has no legal basis, in my opinion.

The Church does not compel people to obey it, so, no.
The State of California's claim of authority, in this circumstance, has no legal basis, in my opinion.

The Church does not compel people to obey it, so, no.

But they still excommunicate people right?

Back when I decided I was a non-believer (fifteen years ago now) and filled with the urge to be a dick about it, I told Catholic friends and family my dream was to get ex-communicated. A lot of them were horrified at the idea.

I wondered if they sent you like a letter informing you of it, or stuck a dead fish in your mailbox or something like that.

I found more information here:
If the competent authority felt in those specific circumstances a just penalty would be excommunication, he could then issue the decree.
I guess they just make a public statement. Maybe they take out an ad in your local paper (?) or these days, probably post it on facebook.

This part gets me:
The other way it can be imposed by canon law itself when certain actions take place. This one is called latae sententiae or ?automatic? excommunication. Automatic excommunication happens when someone commits an act that is specifically punished in canon law by a penalty of automatic excommunication.
I guess I'd fall under the first bullet point, as an apostate.
The 1983 Code of Canon Law attaches the penalty of automatic excommunication to the following actions:

  • Apostates, heretics, and schismatics (can. 1364)
  • Desecration of the Eucharist (can. 1367)
  • A person who physically attacks the pope (can. 1370)
  • A priest who in confession solicits another to violate the sixth commandment (can. 1378)
  • A bishop who consecrates another bishop without papal mandate (can. 1382)
  • A priest who violates the seal of the confessional (can. 1388)
  • A person who procures an abortion (can. 1398)
  • Accomplices who were needed to commit an action that has an automatic excommunication penalty (can. 1329)

"Here buddy, hold this Eucharist while I descrate it!"
But they still excommunicate people right?

Back when I decided I was a non-believer (fifteen years ago now) and filled with the urge to be a dick about it, I told Catholic friends and family my dream was to get ex-communicated. A lot of them were horrified at the idea.

I wondered if they sent you like a letter informing you of it, or stuck a dead fish in your mailbox or something like that.

I found more information here:
If the competent authority felt in those specific circumstances a just penalty would be excommunication, he could then issue the decree.
I guess they just make a public statement. Maybe they take out an ad in your local paper (?) or these days, probably post it on facebook.

This part gets me:
The other way it can be imposed by canon law itself when certain actions take place. This one is called latae sententiae or “automatic” excommunication. Automatic excommunication happens when someone commits an act that is specifically punished in canon law by a penalty of automatic excommunication.
I guess I'd fall under the first bullet point, as an apostate.
The 1983 Code of Canon Law attaches the penalty of automatic excommunication to the following actions:

  • Apostates, heretics, and schismatics (can. 1364)
  • Desecration of the Eucharist (can. 1367)
  • A person who physically attacks the pope (can. 1370)
  • A priest who in confession solicits another to violate the sixth commandment (can. 1378)
  • A bishop who consecrates another bishop without papal mandate (can. 1382)
  • A priest who violates the seal of the confessional (can. 1388)
  • A person who procures an abortion (can. 1398)
  • Accomplices who were needed to commit an action that has an automatic excommunication penalty (can. 1329)

"Here buddy, hold this Eucharist while I descrate it!"

A legal mind like yours should be able to discern the difference between excommunication and arrest.

And you kinda sorta overlooked this:

Excommunication is a medicinal penalty of the Church. Its purpose is not necessarily to obtain justice or satisfaction but is meant to awaken an individual’s conscience to repentance (canon 1312 & 1331).​

Also Excommunication is not a permanent state. This brand of grave sin, and any mortal sin, requires three conditions: It has to be a mortal sin, committed with full knowledge, and with deliberate consent.

Was your apostacy committed in such conditions? Given your "lack of awareness" of the irreversible consequences, I have my reservations. Maybe the Holy Spirit will enlighten you someday.

And there are people who do seek to deliberately desecrate the Holy Eucharist. I would die to prevent that from occurring.
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What is it called when you charge the living money to get your soul out of purgatory sooner once youre dead?

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What is it called when you charge the living money to get your soul out of purgatory sooner once youre dead?


That's not really how it works. And the abuses you speak of were addressed in the 1500s.

just think, in another 500 years they'll figure out how to stop priests from molesting kids.

I think its more likely... they will find big green reptiles messed with Monkey's DNA/Brains to create humans so we could be slave labor and farm up gold to power their tech...before that happens.