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Jeffrey Epstein matter reopened... going to get ugly

Society is a known danger. The church was always supposed to be a safe place. That's why I think it gets/got more attention. In fact, I'm fairly positive that's why.


so, unlike the Church, public school systems aren't supposed to be a safe place for children? That's why the media gives wall-to-wall coverage of the Church scandal but completely ignores sexual abuse in the public school system, because it's not supposed to be safe?
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Velociraptors were the size of a turkey, probably would taste delicious on the BBQ

badgers and wolverines are about the size of turkeys but that doesn't mean I want to come across them when I'm going about my business - unless there's a goal line I can hide behind, then I wouldn't mind running into the odd wolverine now and then.
so, unlike the Church, public school systems aren't supposed to be a safe place for children? That's why the media gives wall-to-wall coverage of the Church scandal but completely ignores sexual abuse in the public school system, because it's not supposed to be safe?

No, that's not why. And I would add they also don't completely ignore when a case comes to light. I could link dozens of reports/articles from the mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa. It's not hard to find.

But also because over the vast majority of cases, if a teacher is found to be a pedophile they go to jail.

If a priest is found to be a pedophile, the church pays hundreds of millions of dollars (thank you tax exemptions!) to sweep it under the rug and avoid jail time (if the statute of limitations hasn't saved their ass already).

And as a bonus, one of the above mentioned professions top priorities is preaching morality and guilting the ever living shit out of you for eating meat on a Friday or some other arbitrary rule. Touching little kids should be a no brainer for the holier than thou group.

I also found it interesting you specifically mentioned public schools. Are we exempting private school teachers similiar to how we do priests? I'm sure the church(es) would find that convenient enough. Not as convenient as not paying taxes perhaps but convenient still.
badgers and wolverines are about the size of turkeys but that doesn't mean I want to come across them when I'm going about my business - unless there's a goal line I can hide behind, then I wouldn't mind running into the odd wolverine now and then.

It's Ohio State's offensive line where you'd actually be safest behind. You might be able to catch a nap as well.
No, that's not why. And I would add they also don't completely ignore when a case comes to light. I could link dozens of reports/articles from the mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa. It's not hard to find.

But also because over the vast majority of cases, if a teacher is found to be a pedophile they go to jail.

If a priest is found to be a pedophile, the church pays hundreds of millions of dollars (thank you tax exemptions!) to sweep it under the rug and avoid jail time (if the statute of limitations hasn't saved their ass already).

And as a bonus, one of the above mentioned professions top priorities is preaching morality and guilting the ever living shit out of you for eating meat on a Friday or some other arbitrary rule. Touching little kids should be a no brainer for the holier than thou group.

I also found it interesting you specifically mentioned public schools. Are we exempting private school teachers similiar to how we do priests? I'm sure the church(es) would find that convenient enough. Not as convenient as not paying taxes perhaps but convenient still.

I know, right?

And some are even chicks.

Like, a bunch of them.

Who?da thunk?
and guilting the ever living shit out of you for eating meat on a Friday or some other arbitrary rule.

That's a bug, not a feature too. Church draws people that like to guilt people. It would be nice if it didn't, but what can you do?
Link to status of priests accused of sexual abuse. They do go to prison, if convicted. Except for McCarrick. But there will be a reckoning.

The only days in the liturgical calendar where Catholics are prohibited from eating meat: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and all Fridays during Lent.

As for the “guilt” aspect: wholly inaccurate.
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No, that's not why. And I would add they also don't completely ignore when a case comes to light. I could link dozens of reports/articles from the mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa. It's not hard to find.

But also because over the vast majority of cases, if a teacher is found to be a pedophile they go to jail.

If a priest is found to be a pedophile, the church pays hundreds of millions of dollars (thank you tax exemptions!) to sweep it under the rug and avoid jail time (if the statute of limitations hasn't saved their ass already).

And as a bonus, one of the above mentioned professions top priorities is preaching morality and guilting the ever living shit out of you for eating meat on a Friday or some other arbitrary rule. Touching little kids should be a no brainer for the holier than thou group.

I also found it interesting you specifically mentioned public schools. Are we exempting private school teachers similiar to how we do priests? I'm sure the church(es) would find that convenient enough. Not as convenient as not paying taxes perhaps but convenient still.

sure, when a teacher gets pregnant for the second time with a teenage student's baby, you hear about that but you almost NEVER read about public shool teachers getting paid full salaries to sit in the "rubber room" and play cards for years while the union delays and fights their firing. You won't find any investigative journalists linking the cover ups of sexual predators in the classroom to the institution of public education or the teacher's union - I wonder why that is. Interesting, isn't it?

I've never been chastised or made to feel guilty about eating meat on Friday - nor am I aware of any of my Catholic friends being guilted for it. I don't think I've ever had the "shit guilted out of me" for anything, including my sins. I have been made to feel bad about misbehaving in class by a few nuns at Our Lady Star of the Sea, but it was no different than the shame I received for similar behavior in public high school. If you think public education isn't being used to indoctrinate students with leftist morality and preaching morality is somehow unique to the Catholic church, you have to be out of your mind.

I'm not exempting private schools at all, but there is far less data available about them because they're private. I have no doubt if that data were available, the teachers union would be using it as another reason to shut down private and charter schools and the media would play along, ignoring the fact that children are at at least as much risk in the public schools.
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That's a bug, not a feature too. Church draws people that like to guilt people. It would be nice if it didn't, but what can you do?

It's SO hard. My wife forgot about it and had a ham sandwich once and I couldn't stop telling her she was going to hell for a couple days.
It's SO hard. My wife forgot about it and had a ham sandwich once and I couldn't stop telling her she was going to hell for a couple days.

Hell is an eternal destination, and mistakenly eating a hoagie on Friday is not a sufficient sin to earn eternal damnation.
In my experience, the guiltmongers are just about exclusively lay people.
Hell is an eternal destination, and mistakenly eating a hoagie on Friday is not a sufficient sin to earn eternal damnation.

yeah, we both know that but I can't help myself, the eyerolls I get from her make my day.
Hell is an eternal destination, and mistakenly eating a hoagie on Friday is not a sufficient sin to earn eternal damnation.

Couple of thoughts - it isn?t every Friday anymore; just during Lent.

A ham sandwich during Lent might get one a couple days in Purgatory, which many theologians claim is like finite Hell.

In Louisiana, they often eat fried fish hogies on Fridays during Lent - no problem.
It's SO hard. My wife forgot about it and had a ham sandwich once and I couldn't stop telling her she was going to hell for a couple days.

This could mean two things - the razzing went on for a couple of day.


The time in Hell would be for a couple of days.
Couple of thoughts - it isn?t every Friday anymore; just during Lent.

A ham sandwich during Lent might get one a couple days in Purgatory, which many theologians claim is like finite Hell.

In Louisiana, they often eat fried fish hogies on Fridays during Lent - no problem.

I said much in an earlier post re: Fridays.
This could mean two things - the razzing went on for a couple of day.


The time in Hell would be for a couple of days.

agreed, poorly written and not at all clear. It's the former - the razzing lasted a couple days and indicated she was going to hell for an eternity, not a weekend because of the ham sandwich. This is how it should have been written:

It's SO hard. My wife forgot about it and had a ham sandwich once and for a couple of days, I couldn't stop telling her she was going to hell.

To be honest, I don't remember if it was even a ham sandwich. It could have been leftover rotisserie chicken, pork tenderloin or even a cold slice of pepperoni pizza. I was just playing the odds - ham and cheese w/ Sir Kensington's sriracha mayo is more likely.
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agreed, poorly written and not at all clear. It's the former - the razzing lasted a couple days and indicated she was going to hell for an eternity, not a weekend because of the ham sandwich. To be honest, I don't remember if it was a ham sandwich. It could have been leftover rotisserie chicken, pork tenderloin or a cold slice of pepperoni pizza. I was just playing the odds - ham and cheese w/ Sir Kensington's sriracha mayo is more likely.

Cheese pizza would be okay.

I don?t know if pulling the pepperonis off before eating the pizza would be okay or not.

That?s above my pay grade.
Cheese pizza would be okay.

I don?t know if pulling the pepperonis off before eating the pizza would be okay or not.

That?s above my pay grade.

I would think it's ok, but I'd be pretty ticked at her for wasting the pepperoni. Just wait a day for the leftover pizza.
Or...save the pepperonis for another day, and have double pepperoni.

my daughters don't like pepperoni, so I get double pepperoni most of the time and they don't complain that there used to be pepperoni on their pizza. It's a win-win. Not on Fridays though.
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