A team president, who wants to be successful in the NFl, is going to act a lot like a POTUS.
He's going to assemble a team of advisors. In this case, that's the resources available from the NFL.
He's going to give those advisors clear instructions on his desires for a successful management team.
He's going to rely heavily on their advise to hire his management team to run the day to day operations. That management team is the equivalent of the POTUS cabinet.
He's going to make the final decisions when the subject is huge... signing a big money free agent for example, but he's going to rely on the advice of people who know what they are doing to make that decision.
The president of a team, like the president of our country, is really more an organizer than anything. His job is to assemble a team of qualified advisors and operators to run the team, and he will handle the oversight of those people.
His job, more than anything, should be hiring and firing.