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NFL Draft Thread 2017

I thought espn wasnt doing the spoilers anymore? I turn it over there for one time and they spoiled it. Fuggoff.
Corey Davis will be a stud for TN. Couldn't ask for a better character guy either. I think 5 is a bit high for him but I would be shocked if he's a bust. Super safe pick with high upside still.
I thought espn wasnt doing the spoilers anymore? I turn it over there for one time and they spoiled it. Fuggoff.

I'm not sure they did, at least on TV. They showed Adams on the phone, but then it took minutes to get the pick in.
Yeah, Adams is just too damned good to pass up on here.
Jamal Adams is my favorite player this draft......never really liked the Jets. Meh...
Haha, you gotta admit, it's pretty cool that he bet his dad when he was barely a toddler he would go higher in the draft... and did.

I bet dad is damned proud about now.
Chargers take Mike Williams. I hope their Mike Williams WR works out better than our Mike Williams WR did.