I think it's going to come down to who the Raiders, Bucs, Vikings, and Bills take. If all 4 pass on Watkins, then I think we can get him. What would you guys say the needs are of those 4 teams? I haven't researched it yet. Below is why I don't think the other teams before will take him.
Pick Record Team
1 2-14 Houston Texans-already have Hopkins and Johnson, have more pressing needs
2 3-13 Washington Redskins-not 100% sure, but I think they have more pressing needs
3 4-12 Jacksonville Jaguars-need a qb plus a bunch more
4 4-12 Cleveland Browns-need a qb
5 4-12 Oakland Raiders-who knows what the Raiders will do (who ever does?)
6 4-12 Atlanta Falcons-already have Roddy White and Julio Jones
7 4-12 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
8 5-10-1 Minnesota Vikings
9 6-10 Buffalo Bills
10 7-9 Detroit Lions