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Prince Fielder


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
I hope he misses Detroit. Prince would look great in a Detroit uniform

He hit a HR in Tiger Stadium when he was 12 years old in batting practice.

Stacey and Cecil used to have the nicest Christmas light display in their yard I ever seen.
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]Who is Cookie?

Sorry I meant Stacey....Prince Fielders mom

I had Cecil and Magics wives names mixed up
stonecold2136 said:
I hope he misses Detroit. Prince would look great in a Detroit uniform

He hit a HR in Tiger Stadium when he was 12 years old in batting practice.

Stacey and Cecil used to have the nicest Christmas light display in their yard I ever seen.
Not anymore. Those 2 are history and Cecil can't even afford popcorn string for the tree these days.
Where do you propose to put him? He's a DH waiting to happen and the Tigers already have a DH signed for 3 more years after this one. He's a big bat, for sure, but the 15-20 million per would be better spent elsewhere by the Tigers, I think.
Need one more above average SP. Got enough potential runs if Jackson starts strong. We will have Mr. B back in the outfield too.
Put Cabby at 3b, imagine the lineup with DY, Cabby, Prince and Vmart. I know not much d at 3b, but you sure would put up alot of runs!
Cecil supposedly lost all his money gambling....Prince is going where the money is, Illitch would love to finally land one of the top 10 players in baseball through free agency
Wouldn't want Fielder on the Tigers, his contract will be very expensive and long and we will be stuck with a bad player paying him millions by the end of it.
The chemistry on this team is unbelievable, we don't need anyone to upset the flow.
maize said:
Wouldn't want Fielder on the Tigers, his contract will be very expensive and long and we will be stuck with a bad player paying him millions by the end of it.

Prince is not coming to Detroit next April. He's a bad fit positionally and monetarily. Dombrowski has already addressed Miggy staying at 1B during the Dunn free agency - plus Dombrowski commented that no more 15-20M dollar players will be added to the payroll.

Two (Cabrera & Verlander) is all the franchise will endear with - as per Dombrowski.

Shopping free agency players?.... stay at/under roughly 12M -- depending on whom they are shopping for.
MotownWebGuy said:
maize said:
Wouldn't want Fielder on the Tigers, his contract will be very expensive and long and we will be stuck with a bad player paying him millions by the end of it.

Prince is not coming to Detroit next April. He's a bad fit positionally and monetarily. Dombrowski has already addressed Miggy staying at 1B during the Dunn free agency - plus Dombrowski commented that no more 15-20M dollar players will be added to the payroll.

Two (Cabrera & Verlander) is all the franchise will endear with - as per Dombrowski.

Shopping free agency players?.... stay at/under roughly 12M -- depending on whom they are shopping for.

You are a very respected and knowledgeable poster, but I disagree with you.
While the 2011 payroll is $106,953,000 Million

That is way down from the 2010 payroll of 133,000,000

Players who will add to 2012 payroll

Verlander +8 Million
Martinez +1 Million
Valverde + 2 Million
Raburn +1 Million
Scherzer +3 Million
that is it

Players that will free up money are

Guillen -13 Million
Ordonez - 10 Million
Penny - 3 Million

That leaves roughly a payroll of $92,000,000

So another $20 Million dollar player puts us at 112 Million

Also Illitch has been quoted as saying he would add as many as 2 star players for 2012

Mr. Illitch is 82 years old and wants to build a dynasty.

I could Very well see Prince Fielder getting signed to play 1B move Cabrera to 3B
I don't want that cancer of a DH on the Tigers. 2 weeks before the playoffs and the dude is like..."Yeah, I probably won't be here next year." Classy self centered way to cause drama right before you enter the postseason.

Great player, but no thank you.
Cabrera at his size, no 3B in 3 years will be a disaster. Why mess with a good thing. Go get a 3B if thats what you want.
sggatecl said:
I don't want that cancer of a DH on the Tigers. 2 weeks before the playoffs and the dude is like..."Yeah, I probably won't be here next year." Classy self centered way to cause drama right before you enter the postseason.

Great player, but no thank you.

You're joking right?

Who is that causing drama for?

You honestly think his teammates didn't already know that?

You think the fans thought they would keep him?

No, everybody knew before the season started that Prince would be gone.
Prince is not a need, IMO. He is a luxury, and pursuing/landing him doesn't address any of the Tigers' biggest weaknesses on their roster, (SP, middle-relief, IF)

Miggy is our permanent 1B, if he wasn't the Tigers would have kept him @ 3B in '08.

Tigers are and will remain unsettled at 2B and dunno if they will keep Young or not @ this point, although if he has a good/great postseason, his chances of remaining a Tiger obviously will skyrocket.

Actually I think that he may already be a lock to return next season, but hey, what do I know, I'm just a poor dumb fan?(emphasizing the "poor" part)
I have to laugh at the people talking about moving Miggy back to 3rd. This isn't MLB The Show. He can't play 3rd any longer, that's why they moved him to 1st. There is absolutely no chance Prince Fielder comes to Detroit in the offseason. That's guaranteed.
id say the likeliest place he'll end up is with the yankees. you know they'll pay him the money he wants as long as he consents to being a DH.