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Prince Fielder

Spockmaster said:
id say the likeliest place he'll end up is with the yankees. you know they'll pay him the money he wants as long as he consents to being a DH.

Really only a handful of teams he can go to especially if he wants a winning club.
stonecold2136 said:
MotownWebGuy said:
Prince is not coming to Detroit next April. He's a bad fit positionally and monetarily. Dombrowski has already addressed Miggy staying at 1B during the Dunn free agency - plus Dombrowski commented that no more 15-20M dollar players will be added to the payroll.

Two (Cabrera & Verlander) is all the franchise will endear with - as per Dombrowski.

Shopping free agency players?.... stay at/under roughly 12M -- depending on whom they are shopping for.

You are a very respected and knowledgeable poster, but I disagree with you.
While the 2011 payroll is $106,953,000 Million

That is way down from the 2010 payroll of 133,000,000

Players who will add to 2012 payroll

Verlander +8 Million
Martinez +1 Million
Valverde + 2 Million
Raburn +1 Million
Scherzer +3 Million
that is it

Players that will free up money are

Guillen -13 Million
Ordonez - 10 Million
Penny - 3 Million

That leaves roughly a payroll of $92,000,000

So another $20 Million dollar player puts us at 112 Million

Also Illitch has been quoted as saying he would add as many as 2 star players for 2012

Mr. Illitch is 82 years old and wants to build a dynasty.

I could Very well see Prince Fielder getting signed to play 1B move Cabrera to 3B

Just yesterday, in a couple of interviews with Mike Ilitch, he said he wanted to add to payroll and get another $$$$ player or $$$$$Two.
But I also don't see prince fielder as a fit with Detroit. Already Cabrera at 1B and Martinez at DH, and moving on, Martinez won't catch all that much. When Victor's contract is finished, I expect Cabrera to get time there, in maybe a split 1B and DH, at 31 going on 32 by that time he just might need to.
Cabrera is a big man, with a bit more weight than I would like to see him carry even for this year. These types of players, even with his greatness as a hitter, need to watch the waistline more than leaner players, it is my only concern with Cabrera aging gracefully or lost it by mid 30's.
I wouldn't mind seeing them go after Aramis Ramirez. He'd really make this lineup tough
mikem2780 said:
I wouldn't mind seeing them go after Aramis Ramirez. He'd really make this lineup tough
if illitch opens up his pocketbook a bit, i dont see why we cant get him. we sorely need a third baseman and he's by far the best on the market. in fact, the next best FA 3B available is betemit.

i also still want to go after dejesus and non-tender young...dejesus would be a perfect fit for this team. this is the lineup id use if we got them:

Dejesus RF
Avila C
Boesch LF
Cabrera 1B
Vmart DH
Ramirez 3B
Peralta SS
2B, whoever that ends up being
Ajax CF

honestly our biggest need is still 2B, but there arent really any attactive FA options and ive got no idea who we could trade for.
Spockmaster said:
id say the likeliest place he'll end up is with the yankees. you know they'll pay him the money he wants as long as he consents to being a DH.

Yup, Yanks or maybe the Angels will also bid for his services.


Dunno, but they aren't gonna see/permit attendance dwindle with a newer stadium and maybe having back to back seasons finishing in the ALCD cellar, IF they don't fix their roster. Thome is gone now, too.

White Sox?

Bwaahahaaa!!...they have to hope like hell that either Dunn isn't all Dunn, OR that he gives next season a shot for a month or two, fails miserably, and retires, but doesn't ride out the remaining 3 years of his contract while being a 700 lb gorilla attached to a one-ton ball and chain upon their 25 man roster.
I warned for years that Dunn was a boat anchor. Glad he made it to Chicago destroying the Sox chances and sending Ozzie down the road for the ULtimate Sin of losing.
Spockmaster said:
mikem2780 said:
I wouldn't mind seeing them go after Aramis Ramirez. He'd really make this lineup tough
if illitch opens up his pocketbook a bit, i dont see why we cant get him. we sorely need a third baseman and he's by far the best on the market. in fact, the next best FA 3B available is betemit.

i also still want to go after dejesus and non-tender young...dejesus would be a perfect fit for this team. this is the lineup id use if we got them:

Dejesus RF
Avila C
Boesch LF
Cabrera 1B
Vmart DH
Ramirez 3B
Peralta SS
2B, whoever that ends up being
Ajax CF

honestly our biggest need is still 2B, but there arent really any attactive FA options and ive got no idea who we could trade for.

Ramirez, with Betemit as a backup and get rid of Inge. Perfect scenario for me.
I would go after Aramis as well.. Not sure about Dejesus though, he is mediocre..
mjsb2 said:
sggatecl said:
I don't want that cancer of a DH on the Tigers. 2 weeks before the playoffs and the dude is like..."Yeah, I probably won't be here next year." Classy self centered way to cause drama right before you enter the postseason.

Great player, but no thank you.

You're joking right?

Who is that causing drama for?

You honestly think his teammates didn't already know that?

You think the fans thought they would keep him?

No, everybody knew before the season started that Prince would be gone.

I lived in Wisconsin and saw plenty of Brewers news and action. Several players have repeatedly said they're sick of answering questions about his Fielder's impending free agency. Just when it finally started to die down, Fielder unnecessarily throws more fuel on the fire.

The majority of fans are definitely hopeful they keep him, not sure where you get your info. Is it likely? Sure. But saying they KNOW this is way off base.

So no, I'm not joking. No reason at all to bring on ANOTHER 1B/DH especially at the ridiculous price he will be asking for.
I like Aram, but he can't play defense anymore. He has been getting worse every year too. Maybe if we can get him for a year or two until the kid is ready. I would also like to get Buerle or Brandon Phillips too. All three would be awesome.

Fielder to the Cubs. The Yankees have Montero as their DH next year. Plus, Fielder isn't Yankee material. They like winners.
uofmpoweri said:
I like Aram, but he can't play defense anymore. He has been getting worse every year too. Maybe if we can get him for a year or two until the kid is ready. I would also like to get Buerle or Brandon Phillips too. All three would be awesome.

Fielder to the Cubs. The Yankees have Montero as their DH next year. Plus, Fielder isn't Yankee material. They like winners.

I would laugh at that. Leaving a good young team like the Brewers for a team that never wins in the Cubs.
Ramirez is a slow starter. Also, he has hit in a small ballpark pretty much his whole career. I could see this signing being as disaster.

If Fielder was signed the Tigers line up would be as good as the NY yankees 1 - 9
truly if we are going to be productive this offseason we need another starting pitcher.
my wishlist for that goes
1) CC if he opts out but i dont think we have the money for him
2) roy oswalt
3) cj wilson
4) edwin jackson

As for position players we need a consistent 2B BAD and there arent a lot of options on the market
1) trade for brandon philips

if we sign someone this offseason i really think we should sign cj wilson for 4 years
mikem2780 said:
I wouldn't mind seeing them go after Aramis Ramirez. He'd really make this lineup tough
Ilitch said in his DetNews interview that he may go after two big players this offseason. Ramirez and Wilson would be solid gets.
Can't see Tubbathia or Oswalt coming here. Could see Wilson or Jackson returning, but absolutely would much prefer obtaining the lefty SP Wilson, on our all-righty roto!!!!
Turok said:
Can't see Tubbathia or Oswalt coming here. Could see Wilson or Jackson returning, but absolutely would much prefer obtaining the lefty SP Wilson, on our all-righty roto!!!!
The big question becomes who the odd man (men) out would be though with Turner on the horizon.

I could see Ilitch putting in a vote for Reyes too. He said in that same interview that he loves superstars and realized that's necessary for the Tigers too.
kingofdetroit57 said:
Turok said:
Can't see Tubbathia or Oswalt coming here. Could see Wilson or Jackson returning, but absolutely would much prefer obtaining the lefty SP Wilson, on our all-righty roto!!!!
The big question becomes who the odd man (men) out would be though with Turner on the horizon.

I could see Ilitch putting in a vote for Reyes too. He said in that same interview that he loves superstars and realized that's necessary for the Tigers too.
if he signs cj then we could trade scherzer for brandon philips or rickie weeks then replace that open spot with turner/smyly
stonecold2136 said:
You are a very respected and knowledgeable poster, but I disagree with you.
While the 2011 payroll is $106,953,000 Million

That is way down from the 2010 payroll of 133,000,000

Players who will add to 2012 payroll

Verlander +8 Million
Martinez +1 Million
Valverde + 2 Million
Raburn +1 Million
Scherzer +3 Million
that is it

Players that will free up money are

Guillen -13 Million
Ordonez - 10 Million
Penny - 3 Million

That leaves roughly a payroll of $92,000,000

So another $20 Million dollar player puts us at 112 Million

Also Illitch has been quoted as saying he would add as many as 2 star players for 2012

Mr. Illitch is 82 years old and wants to build a dynasty.

I could Very well see Prince Fielder getting signed to play 1B move Cabrera to 3B

Young, Scherzer, Porcello, Coke and Kelly are all arbitration eligible after this year. You have to add that to the payroll. If they bring them all back, mlbtraderumors estimated those 5 to get $16M total.

Plus you have to account for the players not yet to arbitration yet and are making ~$500k. It adds up.
Here is a rundown of the 2012 payroll if:

- None of the FA are re-signed
- Valverde's option is picked up
- Using mlbtraderumors estimates (denoted by *)
