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Prince Fielder

I don't know that I think it's a good idea but what do you guys think about this?

1. Jose Reyes (SS)
2. Brennan Boesch (RF)
3. Delman Young (LF)
4. Miguel Cabrera (1B)
5. Victor Martinez (DH)
6. Alex Avila (C)
7. Johnny Peralta (2B)
8. Wilson Betemit (3B)
9. Austin Jackson (CF)

That solves the lead off problem and the revolving door that has been 2nd base over the last 10 years.

Is Reyes still a FA, I didn't think he signed with the Mets. Like I said I don't know that I like investing all the money he'd want but it could put Detroits line up over the top IF Detroit trusts his health. We do need another pitcher though assuming we're a couple years from Turners big league production.
Reyes could not function on this team where he would have to take a back seat to Cabrera and likely Martinez.

He would wind up being a cancer, that in the end we would have to trade away at a losing deal.

Money could be better spent IMO.

Is Michael Young still available?
MI_Thumb said:
Reyes could not function on this team where he would have to take a back seat to Cabrera and likely Martinez.

He would wind up being a cancer, that in the end we would have to trade away at a losing deal.

Money could be better spent IMO.

Is Michael Young still available?

Serious question, why? Does Reyes have a history of being a "Me, Me, Me" player or something? I never heard anything about him being too superstar for the team.

Also Young is ancient, no point in signing a guy for the decline.
We already have an all-star SS, why make him unhappy to sign a player to a long term deal that hasn't even played 140 games in a season since 2008?
mjsb2 said:
We already have an all-star SS, why make him unhappy to sign a player to a long term deal that hasn't even played 140 games in a season since 2008?

Maybe you talk to Johnny P 1st? I also wonder about Betemits ability to play 2nd. We know Peralta can play 3rd, so I wouldn't be opposed to Peralta at 3b, Reyes at SS and WB at 2B if Wilson's capable and Johnny doesn't mind, but Obviously I think Peralta and Reyes up the middle could be very nice.
Do you people watch the Tigers or any baseball? Cabrera isn't going to 3b no way, no how, why would you even think he could play 3b? Name another 3b even close to his size? If we want to spend money on a 3b get Aramais Ramirez for 3 yrs $40M, than sign another stop gap pitcher for your #5 to give Turner one more year in the minors. If we sign a pitcher for multiple years that means we would have to trade Scherzer,Fister,Porcello or Turner in the next year or two.
randyf10 said:
Do you people watch the Tigers or any baseball? Cabrera isn't going to 3b no way, no how, why would you even think he could play 3b? Name another 3b even close to his size? If we want to spend money on a 3b get Aramais Ramirez for 3 yrs $40M, than sign another stop gap pitcher for your #5 to give Turner one more year in the minors. If we sign a pitcher for multiple years that means we would have to trade Scherzer,Fister,Porcello or Turner in the next year or two.

I agree with you on Miguel but honestly I don't want Ramirez and if we signed a pitcher to multi years I wouldn't have a problem with it. Porcello is young but whos to say in 2 years he's still the same guy he is now and we don't just bump him from the rotation all together?
I'm sorry but I don't get what you people don't see in Porcello? He is only 22 yrs old and has won 10 games or more the last 3 yrs., how many pitchers have over 30 wins by age 22? He is still learning and maturing, JV was just getting to the bigs at 22. If Turner/Smyl are going to be 1,2 or 3 type starters there is no reason to spend money on a pitcher without
randyf10 said:
I'm sorry but I don't get what you people don't see in Porcello? He is only 22 yrs old and has won 10 games or more the last 3 yrs., how many pitchers have over 30 wins by age 22? He is still learning and maturing, JV was just getting to the bigs at 22. If Turner/Smyl are going to be 1,2 or 3 type starters there is no reason to spend money on a pitcher without

I'm not sayin he cant be solid but with him not being a power guy, it seems like it will be easy to see what kind of a pro he will be soon. I think next year he needs to move in the right direction with the following year being the deciding year.

He's young so thats in his favor but wins are overrated. Doug Fister never won before now.
Too early to judge Porcello. He's had stretches where he looked like a hall of famer. A bad game will happen but if he can stop the long stretches of bad games, he can be a good number two.
One thing i'd like Porcello to get more of a chance at, go longer in games. Obviously he has to pitch better but even when he does JL takes him out early. For his 3 year career he's averaging 92 pitches per game. Gotta stretch him out a little bit, give him some confidence. Too many damn managers rely on the damn BP too damn much.
He wouldn't come here and like several others have already said why not spend your money on a need. We need a 3b and a 2b. If they could get even average production from these 2 positions this team would score tons of runs. They also need another starter. As outlined earlier they will have some money being freed up. I expect that this will be an exciting offseason for the Tigers. Not as exciting as the postseason though.
Scott Rolen is just as big as Cabrera. I still think Cabrera could play 3rd. I just want the Tigers to get to the world series so we can see how he looks there again.

No way Victor Martinez bat will not be in the line up in a N.L. ballpark
id like this:
1) Phillips
2) Boesch
3) Young
4) Cabrera
5) Martinez
6) Peralta
7) Avila
8) Betimit
9) Jackson
i do think we can get phillips and for a good price
f fielder....go get Jorge Posada. Dudes OBP in the playoffs is like 1.000 -.-
austindayeisaboss said:
id like this:
1) Phillips
2) Boesch
3) Young
4) Cabrera
5) Martinez
6) Peralta
7) Avila
8) Betimit
9) Jackson
i do think we can get phillips and for a good price

I don't think Phillips will be worth the price he is gonna cost. The Reds ballpark is a launching pad. His HR production would drop big time. He hardly steals any bases anymore. He is more of a N.L. type player imo.

I would rather spend the money on a for sure can't miss power hitter like Fielder