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Refs tried their hardest


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
To cost Michigan the game. WOW. How do you overturn that?? Are you fucking kidding?
Yeah and they gave miller the first down on that play where he stretched his arm forward as he was being drivin back and out of bounds. That was terrible.
rumseyhouse77 said:
Yeah and they gave miller the first down on that play where he stretched his arm forward as he was being drivin back and out of bounds. That was terrible.

Much as it pains me to side with the refs, I think Miller did stretch and get that with his forward movement. The goaline TD reversal was inexcusable though. There was one angle where you can't see the ball and the one commentator was spazzing that Toussaint was short. Meanwhile the other angle shows that he is in...
The Miller call was fine. But the Fitz td was ridiculous.
Yeah, that's two games they (refs) tried to steal from us this yr. unfortunately they succeeded in the first.
newton83 said:
rumseyhouse77 said:
Yeah and they gave miller the first down on that play where he stretched his arm forward as he was being drivin back and out of bounds. That was terrible.

Much as it pains me to side with the refs, I think Miller did stretch and get that with his forward movement. The goaline TD reversal was inexcusable though. There was one angle where you can't see the ball and the one commentator was spazzing that Toussaint was short. Meanwhile the other angle shows that he is in...

Point is, the call should be consistent. Oh nevermind! Today is too sweet to quibble about such calls. Far too sweet!
Well, we should've just punched it in from the 1 inch yard line (i love that saying)

We'll have to work on that...oh its the last game of the season? *sigh*

( yes, i know, there will still be a bowl game)
Hungry said:
Well, we should've just punched it in from the 1 inch yard line (i love that saying)

We'll have to work on that...oh its the last game of the season? *sigh*

( yes, i know, there will still be a bowl game)
A BCS bowl game. Tostios Fiesta anyone???
Miller def got that first but I didn't see that unnecessary roughness on the Denard td run... Phantom call....
What was the unnecessary roughness call? Who was it on and what happened? They never showed it on ABC.

ABC announcers were terrible by the way! Practically cheering ohio on at the end!
Which side of the field were you on ML, same side as DR ran to, or the opposite side?
Watching on dvr now.... Watson took out two guys after DR crossed the goalie. Not a horrible call.
They did show it after the play. It was a good call. Denard was five yards into the endzone when he hit one guy and knocked him into the other.

Disagreed with the Fitz overturn.
If that was "indisputable video evidence" of a no-touchdown, I cannot accept the premise of instant replay. If anything, that replay VALIDATED the TD call.