Now that marriage is an equivocated term, the possibilities are practically bespoke. And anyone who opposes the next iteration of the institution better be prepared to be labeled "reactionary," "on the wrong side of history" (and THAT is incredibly ironic), "haters," and "bigots."
Ah yes. This happened decades ago when interracial marriage was legalized. Those poor barmen who wouldn't serve a black and white couple. Boo hoo. Oh, and when slavery was abolished, those poor, poor slavers who made money off of buying and selling black people and the plantation owners...GASP! They took away their GOD GIVEN rights to own a person. And they were treated so poorly afterward. Let's not forget to mention when women were given the right to vote. Jeez...those men who were sooooo against women voting were just so sad. Gosh Darn it, they were pretty much forced out of the country. Most importantly, let's not forget about the schools that were forced to bring together black and white kids. I sympathize with those KKK wannabes who tried desperately to stop the change. God gave them dominion over the world, dontcha know? They are the superior race.
Sarcasm over.
Now, let's be real. Stop watching Pat Robertson and people like him. Turn off Fox News and the Glenn Becks of the world. Discrimination is discrimination and it can not be tolerated in a civilized society. Every time this country has allowed hate to flourish, something bad happens. WW2 with Japanese Americans and basically any Asian who might appear to be Japanese in disgusting camps, rounded up like cattle. The race riots, police brutality, the actual KKK, American Indians, "Witches", etc. Hateful thoughts are your right, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't oppose you.
Look, read something about the law in this country. Religious institutions can already deny wedding ceremonies to whomever they want for any fucking reason. That's not going to change. The only thing that does change is that states are no longer allowed to deny marriage licenses to people who marry the same gender.
For years now in many different countries and even states here in America, gay marriage has been legal. NO-FUDGING-BODY has been hurt by it. Not one straight person. Not a single business. Even the businesses that have recently said they will not sell to a gay married couple haven't suffered. That one pizza place that shut itself down because of a bunch of angry yelp reviews (that's the free market, yo.) shut down and then got over a million dollars in donations from Christians. And they didn't even really have to shut down. They would have survived just fine and you know it. There are other businesses that also spoke up and took a bit of heat and bounced right back.
Your religion is not the only religion out there. It is not the only belief system and for people like you to say everybody else has to follow it because it makes you feel icky...that's pretty farkled up.
Oh and funny you people for comparing this biscuit to incest. Seriously. There are obvious medical and moral (non-religious moral too) reasons for that to not exist.
Again, gay marriage has existed in this country for years now. I've yet to hear anybody in any of the states have a legit experience with their freedom being taken away. This isn't going to hurt you. It's not going to affect you. Well, unless you've secretly wanted a giant panda inside of you for the rest of your life. In that case, you can put a ring on it!