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The 2021 NFL Draft

omg so many options! I love Terrance Marshall, Moehrig and Ojulari....shit JOK....so many options.
I like this pick also. So much for the comment from Spielman about building outside in. LOL
I like this pick also. So much for the comment from Spielman about building outside in. LOL

yup...build the trenches. Its an obvious focus at this point....Terrance Marshall is a stud and youd have to think supporting Goff is Holmes' focus.
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Still hoping for Cox, but as long as he keeps dropping there is hope the Lions trade up to get him at some point if he does not fall into their laps in R3.
I?m glad Holmes is realizing we have way too many holes to fill before we start trying to make the splashy and sexy picks. Keep it simple.
I recently learned Drew was WR in high school with Joe Theismann as the QB throwing to him. That must have been a heck of a high school team.
A trade back into the 2nd is very possible. 2 3rd round picks.
I?m really liking how Holmes is staying patient and not mortgaging future picks to move up. We don?t need the big slash in 2021, let that come 2022-23!
At some point there will be a run on LBs...hopefully the Lions get to be part of that.
Anyone surprised by two trench picks isn't paying attention.