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The New Recruiting Thread

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Either Borges or the dumbass you can't visit anywhere and still be committed rule. Campbell probably wants to go out and see some other places. Maybe get a few free trips and have some fun. How can you blame a kid for wanting to do that?
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Either Borges or the dumbass you can't visit anywhere and still be committed rule. Campbell probably wants to go out and see some other places. Maybe get a few free trips and have some fun. How can you blame a kid for wanting to do that?

for wanting to do that... no.

but the issue is really whether you agree with the rule or not.

I do. While it may cost us some kids, we're probably better off without party animals that would rather get drunk and laid for 4 years than focus on playing football.

If a kid is honestly going to turn down Michigan football because he doesn't get to take some trips, we're better off without him.
for wanting to do that... no.

but the issue is really whether you agree with the rule or not.

I do. While it may cost us some kids, we're probably better off without party animals that would rather get drunk and laid for 4 years than focus on playing football.

If a kid is honestly going to turn down Michigan football because he doesn't get to take some trips, we're better off without him.

What if the kid has grown up poor and has never had the chance to leave his home state? Does that make him a party animal that just wants to get drunk and laid? Not every family can afford to take their kid on trips. These official visits are a way for some kids to see new parts of the country and enjoy themselves.
What if the kid has grown up poor and has never had the chance to leave his home state? Does that make him a party animal that just wants to get drunk and laid? Not every family can afford to take their kid on trips. These official visits are a way for some kids to see new parts of the country and enjoy themselves.

Hmmm... interesting hypothetical, Sherlock Holmes.

I don't really have an answer.

I would be interested to know what Coach Hoke would say to a kid who said "Coach, I want to play for Michigan, but I'm gonna take more visits, 'cause I'm from a poor family and have no other way to see the rest of the country right now. Please don't pull my offer, dog."

Maybe he'd say okay. Or maybe he'd tell him that if he's patient, he'll get to see lots of different parts of the country when he plays for Michigan.
Hmmm... interesting hypothetical, Sherlock Holmes.

I don't really have an answer.

I would be interested to know what Coach Hoke would say to a kid who said "Coach, I want to play for Michigan, but I'm gonna take more visits, 'cause I'm from a poor family and have no other way to see the rest of the country right now. Please don't pull my offer, dog."

Maybe he'd say okay. Or maybe he'd tell him that if he's patient, he'll get to see lots of different parts of the country when he plays for Michigan.

I don't really have an answer either. Hoke's policy just comes off as a bit harsh sometimes and it seems like it could cost us more big recruits in the future. We'd all be happy if everyone who committed to UM never wanted to take another visit, but that will never be the case.
Sam Webb just talked to Harris. He's 100% committed and doesn't plan on looking elsewhere.

Sam Webb? ROFLMAO!!! The same Sam Webb who said Hand was a lock? The same Sam Webb who says he had a conversation (with no one else in ear shot) that Jabrill Peppers is 100% Blue? That Sam Webb? Why you guys continue to listen to that slappie is beyond me.

Sam Webb is the recruiting equivalent of Karl Rove when he headed to the backroom of FOX News on election night to dispute the callinig of the election for Obama.
The enforcement of the no visit rule depends on how good the player is, positional need, and what schools they are looking at. to think that Campbell or Peppers would lose their offers is hilarious, if you're david dawson or pharoh brown, it's a different story.
It's a love hate thing on the no visit policy. Hate that we lose kids for a stupid rule. Love that it teaches kids to make a decision and live with it. With our society and the need for instant gratification UM will lose more often than not. Bama, Ohio, UCS will pick up those that need that type of fulfilment. MSU no matter how great they are, will pick up their rejects.
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It's a love hate thing on the no visit policy. Hate that we lose kids for a stupid rule. Love that it teaches kids to make a decision and live with it. With our society and the need for instant gratification UM will lose more often than not. Bama, Ohio, UCS will pick up those that need that type of fulfilment. MSU no matter how great they are, will pick up their rejects.

does it really teach lessons if some kids are welcomed back with open arms depending on positional need and talent level?

also, on MSU recruiting, i'd love to have a debate on this but i don't want this thread to flame out.
does it really teach lessons if some kids are welcomed back with open arms depending on positional need and talent level?

also, on MSU recruiting, i'd love to have a debate on this but i don't want this thread to flame out.

They are welcomed back because of how the rule works not because of any favoritism. If a commit decides to take visits, they are no longer a commit to Michigan. Hoke doesn't totally pull the scholarship offer and bar them from going to Michigan. If there is still a spot available and the player wants to re-commit, they are welcome to do so.
They are welcomed back because of how the rule works not because of any favoritism. If a commit decides to take visits, they are no longer a commit to Michigan. Hoke doesn't totally pull the scholarship offer and bar them from going to Michigan. If there is still a spot available and the player wants to re-commit, they are welcome to do so.

then why was Dawson re-offered? if the scholarship isn't pulled, how did he get re-offered after visits to MSU and OSU?

the offer was pulled for pharoh brown.
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then why was Dawson re-offered? if the scholarship isn't pulled, how did he get re-offered after visits to MSU and OSU?

the offer was pulled for pharoh brown.

His offer was not pulled. He decided to take visits so he was no longer a commit. Michigan simply told Brown they weren't going to save a spot for him because they were recruiting other players. Michigan isn't going to save a spot for someone just because they want to go visit other schools. That could put them in a bind if that player decides he doesn't want to commit anywhere until signing day. They don't save a spot for anyone who "decommits" by taking visits to other schools. Including Dawson and Conley. The players aren't outright off the table because they decide to take visits. Dawson came to the coaches and asked for a chance to recommit and he was accepted.
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His offer was not pulled. He decided to take visits so he was no longer a commit. Michigan simply told Brown they weren't going to save a spot for him because they were recruiting other players. Michigan isn't going to save a spot for someone just because they want to go visit other schools. That could put them in a bind if that player decides he doesn't want to commit anywhere until signing day. They don't save a spot for anyone who "decommits" by taking visits to other schools. Including Dawson and Conley. The players aren't outright off the table because they decide to take visits. Dawson came to the coaches and asked for a chance to recommit and he was accepted.

His offer wasn't pulled?


Dawson originally committed to Michigan in February, a major coup for a program desperate for depth on the offensive line, but he was dropped from the class last month when he expressed interest in visiting other schools, including Florida.

Michigan has dropped three commits under the policy in Hoke's two seasons, including tight end Pharaoh Brown last year. Dawson is believed to be the only recruit to be re-offered.
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His offer wasn't pulled?


Dawson originally committed to Michigan in February, a major coup for a program desperate for depth on the offensive line, but he was dropped from the class last month when he expressed interest in visiting other schools, including Florida.

Michigan has dropped three commits under the policy in Hoke's two seasons, including tight end Pharaoh Brown last year. Dawson is believed to be the only recruit to be re-offered.

Did you read my last sentence? Dawson went to the coaches and asked to recommit. They said yes. It works the same for any other player that wants to recommit.
I don't see a problem with the policy. Recruiting is an ugly game. If Michigan has a chance to fill that spot with another recruit, that's the chance these kids take by not fully committing. It's not like Hoke is pulling offers for no reason.
Did you read my last sentence? Dawson went to the coaches and asked to recommit. They said yes. It works the same for any other player that wants to recommit.

If you have a very strict policy and then make exceptions for some and not others, its hardly a solid policy.

Also, expecting your kids to not take visits but then trying to get commits from other schools to visit is beyond hypocritical.
If you have a very strict policy and then make exceptions for some and not others, its hardly a solid policy.

Also, expecting your kids to not take visits but then trying to get commits from other schools to visit is beyond hypocritical.

No exception was made. Dawson was the only one that went back to the coaches and asked if he could recommit. Neither Brown nor Conley did that.

I don't disagree that the whole policy is hypocritical in nature. I'm not a fan of it. I'm just trying to explain the way it works when a kid decides to take visits to other schools after committing to UM.
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