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The New Recruiting Thread

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Damin Harris just decommitted

..... his mom says that "Michigan is #1, and that hasn't changed," but that he wants to make sure he goes through the recruiting process and whatnot; also Borges's departure was a factor. (His high school coach used to be a GA for Borges.) Nussmeier made his first stop as OC to Madison Southern, Harris's high school, so Michigan is on it, insofar as they can be on it.
Oops yep my bad. Now it looks as if Damien Harris has decommitted. He is a 2015 kid so we still have time to get him back.

Sounds as if Jack-Hole Michigan fans are attacking him on Twitter. How embarrassing.
Yeah I follow the kid on twitter but I wont attack him. Sadly every school has those assholes and with social media they all think they should voice their opinion. I hope he comes back to U of M but if he doesnt oh well I will wish him well.
Lots of people feel free to act on the internet in ways they never would in real life.
Who cares? If his feelings get hurt by a couple UM fans, along with rivalry fan bases acting as UM fans, too bad. It really doesnt matter anyway because if Michigan lays another turd in 2014, he would have been gone no matter if Bulges was here or not. If Michigan rights itself and has a stellar season, everything else will shake itself out and we'll have other recruits just as good as the ones we are losing. Got to win baby.
Quote from Harris's mom:

"Maybe it's his top four after Michigan!," Harris's mother told me. "Just because he's opened up his recruiting doesn't mean Michigan has gone down on his list."
Bad luck for us. Will he even play a snap for the buckeyes? They're much deeper than us and experienced. Wonder how much they paid for him not to come to Ann Arbor.
Bad luck for us. Will he even play a snap for the buckeyes? They're much deeper than us and experienced. Wonder how much they paid for him not to come to Ann Arbor.

It's tough to understand. He knows the coach...he would play...I thought it was a pretty safe bet.
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