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The New Recruiting Thread

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He's used to winning and he probably wants to keep doing that for his last year of college football. He'll start for OSU.

Bucks lost four of five from last year's starting O-Line. Yes, he'll start. Looks like a young hog. I like it!
Just when it was starting to look like the Michigan fans were going to catch one...
Wow, that guy deserves the worst life can bring him, stealing that ball from the obviously intended kid... pretty sure I would have had many choice words and/or just kicked his ads,... depending on extenuating circumstances like maybe that kid already had one and be wanted one for his own son.
Yeah that's pretty awful. I would guess the ball boy saw that and made sure the kid got a ball.
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“@TomVH: Ty Isaac's mom said his final four during his recruitment was USC, Notre Dame, Michigan & Auburn. Other teams have been in contact already”
“@TomVH: ESPN 300 DB Shaun Crawford did say last night he is no longer a Michigan commit. Still considering Michigan, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Miami”
Ty Isaac on way to visit A2 ...

Crawford seems ColumbusNDSucks-bound from what I read the past two days. I guess I'm starved for Michigan football anything, right now.
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Ty Isaac on way to visit A2 ...

Crawford seems Columbus-bound from what I read the past two days. I guess I'm starved for Michigan football anything, right now.

Crawford cancelled his visit to OSU. Probably ends up at NDSucks. Rumors are swirling around that Crawford stole from his track coach, blamed it on another student, then slammed that student's head into a locker.
Crawford cancelled his visit to OSU. Probably ends up at NDSucks. Rumors are swirling around that Crawford stole from his track coach, blamed it on another student, then slammed that student's head into a locker.

Oh shit, you're right. I meant Crawford was NDSucks-bound. Harris is the one likely to go to Ohio* now.
Isaac decided to make his visit a pajama party. From Sam Webb:

"Ty Isaac staying overnight at #Michigan after all"
“@BruceFeldmanCFB: Nice get for UM RT @JFowlerCBS #Michigan expects to land #USC transfer RB Ty Isaac, who worked thru admissions w/ school, committed this wk”
?@BruceFeldmanCFB: Nice get for UM RT @JFowlerCBS #Michigan expects to land #USC transfer RB Ty Isaac, who worked thru admissions w/ school, committed this wk?

Does he have to sit out a year? I'm guessing yes?
Isaac is from Joliet, Ill., and wants to play closer to his ill mother. He visited Illinois last week. Isaac’s mother reportedly has had complications stemming from a recent surgical procedure to correct hearing loss.

The former five-star recruit in 2013 scored a pair of touchdowns and recorded 236 yards on 40 carries for the Trojans.

As a hardship waiver candidate because of his family circumstance, Isaac could be eligible in 2014 but must be approved by the NCAA.

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Hopefully this kicks our 5* RB and Smith in the ass a bit.
Hopefully this kicks our 5* RB and Smith in the ass a bit.

I think the interesting storyline will be whether or not he can play this year -- if the NCAA waives his year of sitting out. If not, I don't think it will be that big of a kick in the butt to the other guys. He'll be able to practice but Smith and Green will have another year of starting time over Isaac. I think it might actually better for us if the NCAA forces Isaac into sitting out a year because he'll be around for another year beyond Green/Smith.
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