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The New Recruiting Thread

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This is a pretty needed recruit. It keeps our RB depth and skill top notch. With Cole at WR, Weber at RB, Clark at TE and Malzone at QB we pretty much have our skill positions covered. With such a small class it's pretty impressive to have that many top rated skill kids done so early.
Jeez....looking back through some of the previous posts, so much optimism and happiness.

Now this...

Garrett Taylor ‏@gtaychillin 3m 3 minutes ago
I have de committed from the University of Michigan. Thank you to the Michigan coaching staff for the opportunity they gave me.
Might as well leave and clear out the class, so the new coach can come in and get some guys. Why would you want to come to Michigan the way it is now? I can't blame any of the recruits for opting out. Hopefully, they take another look depending on who the coach ends up being.
"I wanted to be a part of a program that knows what it takes to win and the players and coaches develop that culture. I felt like Michigan lost that while watching them play," Taylor said. "As well as the fact that I felt like Michigan wouldn't put me in the best position to get to the next level after college, especially with the problems they've had in developing their players."
"I wanted to be a part of a program that knows what it takes to win and the players and coaches develop that culture. I felt like Michigan lost that while watching them play," SpartyTroll said. "As well as the fact that I felt like Michigan wouldn't put me in the best position to get to the next level after college, especially with the problems they've had in developing their players."


You wish.

"I wanted to be a part of a program that knows what it takes to win and the players and coaches develop that culture. I felt like Michigan lost that while watching them play," Taylor said. "As well as the fact that I felt like Michigan wouldn't put me in the best position to get to the next level after college, especially with the problems they've had in developing their players." ESPN Insider. Google the quote.

After this class is decimated an several prominent players transfer this will be a total rebuilding job. Even the decent players who stay are still behind where they should be because of no coaching. Enjoy the rebuild, hope you get a competent coach next.
Hey, the kid said it and there's truth to it, especially if you believe the media and what motivates kids now. It's the NFL, not the degree so why come to a program like Michigan if it sucks under Hoke?

It's not trolling to quote the kid, I saw it on twitter too.
I hope hoke and co see the quote and I hope a reporter asks them about it after the Indiana game.
Jesus, the vultures are circling ...offers to M commits and M commits taking visits...
This class will be a mess. Everyone knows Hoke is gone. The only hope we have is that we can get a big name guy who will work fast once hired. I just dont think we will get the big name guy.
Give me John Harbaugh. Yes he would likely keep Mattison around, but the D hasn't really been an issue so I'm good with that. Plus it provides a degree of continuity and prevents a total rebuilding and current players need that as well as recruits.

Nuss obviously is a terrible fit, so his leaving would be a positive as just about any of us could do better, let alone an actual OC. If Funk isn't tossed out on his ass then someone needs to slip him something illegal that will get him fired.

As for Taylor, if John and Greg were to come into his living room and essentially throw Hoke under the bus for why kids have not developed better, they might just get him back. Hard to turn down a guy who is wearing a Super Bowl ring and saying he can actually develop you into an NFL caliber talent.
Hard to get excited about football recruits. So many have disappointed. Hope a new coach will change that.
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