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The New Recruiting Thread

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Rumors surfacing that Poggi is announcing Monday at 10am....
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Per Mike Farrell of Rivals on twitter

Henry Poggi to make decision Monday at 10am EST. hoping to run preview tomorrow night

Looks like he could be the next member of team 134
hmm you guys think Poggi is leaning toward michigan? over Alabama?

Well, to be fair, they're just reading stuff from alleged insiders on some other site. This first started as buzz that Michigan was going to get another commitment very soon. Then Poggi announced that he would announce on Monday at 10am. 1+1
If we get Poggi and all signs point to yes Then we should be very dominate on both sides of the ball along the lines for years to come. All we need is a really good RB and WR and this will be fun to watch.
Well Poggi's Dad said its down to Michigan and Alabama and two other schools and that he was close to a decision. I can't say from the tea leaves whether its M or Bama in the "lead."

Plus, it won't be until AFTER Poggi verbals that Meyer and Ohio* will jump in to recruiting him.
Guys, there is no reason to worry here. Poggi is going to commit to Michigan Monday, do yourself a favor and don't overthink it.
Via twitter, U of M coaching staff has just received its 20th commitment. No word yet on who it is.
Its gotta be Poggi. Does anyone have an updated number of how many spots we have?
what's all this on Twitter about "if Hurst is Blue, Poggi to Bama" ..? What is Sam Webb talking about
Some people were saying that Poggi didnt want to go to the same school that Hurst did but other people who I trust more are saying that doesnt matter. I would really like a rotation of Godin, Pipkins, Hurst and Poggi with a few others thrown in. Keep them fresh and also gives the coaches a lot of versatility. If Mattison has pieces to play with and he can get pressure with the front 4 we will be hard to game plan for.
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