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The New Recruiting Thread

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[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]
[quote="Maize&blue21":h9p54132] Correct, he is a good player but he isn't a once in a generation player. Ty Isaac may be a once in a generation player, a 2013 RB out of Illinois who favors Michigan and Notre Dame, watch his film if you haven't. I just had a chance to watch Jehu Chesson's film again and i really want this kid, he is severely underrated and has the speed to stretch the field along with catching in traffic.

Ty Isaac just put up over 500 yds in the state finals this weekend... Thats insane.[/quote:h9p54132]exactly he is a big back as well with great speed and vision
Man i really wish we didn't offer Drake Johnson. Kid doesn't do anything for our class and takes up a spot for one of Diggs/chesson, Dunn, Darboh, McNamara, Wright, and Garnett
Maize&blue21 said:
Man i really wish we didn't offer Drake Johnson. Kid doesn't do anything for our class and takes up a spot for one of Diggs/chesson, Dunn, Darboh, McNamara, Wright, and Garnett

I like the Drake Johnson commit. He's got size and speed, two things you can't coach. He's already over 200 lbs. and runs a legit 4.4, that's impressive. He's a project but he has the chance to be a player one day. We're not going to get all of those players, it's just not realistic. Chesson, Darboh, and Garnett I would put at 80%+, McNamara is probably 50/50 (that's probably being overly optimistic), Diggs is a pipedream IMO, Wright and Dunn have played it so close to the vest that we really don't know but I'm not holding my breath, especially with Dunn.
smitdog67 said:
Maize&blue21 said:
Man i really wish we didn't offer Drake Johnson. Kid doesn't do anything for our class and takes up a spot for one of Diggs/chesson, Dunn, Darboh, McNamara, Wright, and Garnett

I like the Drake Johnson commit. He's got size and speed, two things you can't coach. He's already over 200 lbs. and runs a legit 4.4, that's impressive. He's a project but he has the chance to be a player one day. We're not going to get all of those players, it's just not realistic. Chesson, Darboh, and Garnett I would put at 80%+, McNamara is probably 50/50 (that's probably being overly optimistic), Diggs is a pipedream IMO, Wright and Dunn have played it so close to the vest that we really don't know but I'm not holding my breath, especially with Dunn.
He has straight line speed but doesn't have much agility
I think Dunn will be attending UofM in January.

I called the McGary commitment fairly early.
Maize&blue21 said:
smitdog67 said:
I like the Drake Johnson commit. He's got size and speed, two things you can't coach. He's already over 200 lbs. and runs a legit 4.4, that's impressive. He's a project but he has the chance to be a player one day. We're not going to get all of those players, it's just not realistic. Chesson, Darboh, and Garnett I would put at 80%+, McNamara is probably 50/50 (that's probably being overly optimistic), Diggs is a pipedream IMO, Wright and Dunn have played it so close to the vest that we really don't know but I'm not holding my breath, especially with Dunn.
He has straight line speed but doesn't have much agility

Agility, to me, would mean someone who can run fast and jump over hurdles(very hard to do for 110m).......whomever said that statement better rethink it.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
Maize&blue21 said:
He has straight line speed but doesn't have much agility

Agility, to me, would mean someone who can run fast and jump over hurdles(very hard to do for 110m).......whomever said that statement better rethink it.

In a football sense that's not what agility means. And I'm pretttty sure he was talking about football, not track.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
Maize&blue21 said:
He has straight line speed but doesn't have much agility

Agility, to me, would mean someone who can run fast and jump over hurdles(very hard to do for 110m).......whomever said that statement better rethink it.
when i mean agility i mean making his cuts and keeping his speed and finding holes
DR said:
wlvrnstlr4life said:
Agility, to me, would mean someone who can run fast and jump over hurdles(very hard to do for 110m).......whomever said that statement better rethink it.

In a football sense that's not what agility means. And I'm pretttty sure he was talking about football, not track.

Listen, I know what agility means, I also think Braylon Edwards has plenty of agility, wouldn't you say? Braylon Edwards also can't cut on dime, but he can jump with the best of them. I can also tell you, i've never played with or against guys who ran legit 4.4's and had no agility. Especially, someone who runs hurdles at full speed. That's just a stupid statement. Let me give one more example to put this to rest, (because I do like your commentary Art and I don't want to turn this into a fight) Tyrone Wheatley. Would you say he had agility? He also ran 4.4 and 110m hurdles(state champ) and could not cut on a dime. What i'm trying to say most of all is, if they are saying this kid lacks agility, then someone is lying about his speed and ability to jump hurdles. It is funny though, that this Johnson kid is almost the same size and weight Wheatley was coming out of High School.
Maize&blue21 said:
smitdog67 said:
If we don't get Dunn it's not the end of the world, of course we want him to come here but he's not a once in a while player, there will be 2-3 players just like him next year and every year after. If he wants to go be a FB for Urban then by all means do it, I want players that want to be the best and make an impact. 600 yards a year or 1200? The answer should be obvious.
Correct, he is a good player but he isn't a once in a generation player. Ty Isaac may be a once in a generation player, a 2013 RB out of Illinois who favors Michigan and Notre Dame, watch his film if you haven't. I just had a chance to watch Jehu Chesson's film again and i really want this kid, he is severely underrated and has the speed to stretch the field along with catching in traffic.

I like Chesson's film too but there is only one thing I think he doesn't do well. Jump.. The kid is definitely a grounded player.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
DR said:
In a football sense that's not what agility means. And I'm pretttty sure he was talking about football, not track.

Listen, I know what agility means, I also think Braylon Edwards has plenty of agility, wouldn't you say? Braylon Edwards also can't cut on dime, but he can jump with the best of them. I can also tell you, i've never played with or against guys who ran legit 4.4's and had no agility. Especially, someone who runs hurdles at full speed. That's just a stupid statement. Let me give one more example to put this to rest, (because I do like your commentary Art and I don't want to turn this into a fight) Tyrone Wheatley. Would you say he had agility? He also ran 4.4 and 110m hurdles(state champ) and could not cut on a dime. What i'm trying to say most of all is, if they are saying this kid lacks agility, then someone is lying about his speed and ability to jump hurdles. It is funny though, that this Johnson kid is almost the same size and weight Wheatley was coming out of High School.
i agree with you but in football terms agility means the ability to make quick cuts and explode through the hole and keeping a good amount of speed when making cuts and getting out to the edge and going up field without losing speed. The kid has good straight line speed but doesn't have much wiggle room with his speed and will be much better suited as a receiver. A guy who has great agility is Trent Richardson, you watch his film and you see his speed and agility going up field through the first and second levels.
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]
[quote="Maize&blue21":8ik5u84c] Correct, he is a good player but he isn't a once in a generation player. Ty Isaac may be a once in a generation player, a 2013 RB out of Illinois who favors Michigan and Notre Dame, watch his film if you haven't. I just had a chance to watch Jehu Chesson's film again and i really want this kid, he is severely underrated and has the speed to stretch the field along with catching in traffic.

I like Chesson's film too but there is only one thing I think he doesn't do well. Jump.. The kid is definitely a grounded player.[/quote:8ik5u84c]he doesn't jump well but neither do a lot of our receivers outside of Junior Hemingway. Has much better speed than most of our receivers.
Maize&blue21 said:
[quote="Danny Diggler":3n8trum7]

I like Chesson's film too but there is only one thing I think he doesn't do well. Jump.. The kid is definitely a grounded player.
he doesn't jump well but neither do a lot of our receivers outside of Junior Hemingway. Has much better speed than most of our receivers.[/quote:3n8trum7]

Hemingway, Roundtree and Gallon all jump out of the building.
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]
[quote="Maize&blue21":sn8gxt86]he doesn't jump well but neither do a lot of our receivers outside of Junior Hemingway. Has much better speed than most of our receivers.

Hemingway, Roundtree and Gallon all jump out of the building. [/quote:sn8gxt86] Roundtree does jump well but nothing like Hemingway. Gallon can jump as well but his height hurts him.
Maize&blue21 said:
[quote="Danny Diggler":59zatfl8]

Hemingway, Roundtree and Gallon all jump out of the building.
Roundtree does jump well but nothing like Hemingway. Gallon can jump as well but his height hurts him. [/quote:59zatfl8]

Remember the game winner against ND? Out of the house....

Edit* Just re-watched it... Not as impressive as I remember it. To my defense I was quite drunk.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
DR said:
In a football sense that's not what agility means. And I'm pretttty sure he was talking about football, not track.

Listen, I know what agility means, I also think Braylon Edwards has plenty of agility, wouldn't you say? Braylon Edwards also can't cut on dime, but he can jump with the best of them. I can also tell you, i've never played with or against guys who ran legit 4.4's and had no agility. Especially, someone who runs hurdles at full speed. That's just a stupid statement. Let me give one more example to put this to rest, (because I do like your commentary Art and I don't want to turn this into a fight) Tyrone Wheatley. Would you say he had agility? He also ran 4.4 and 110m hurdles(state champ) and could not cut on a dime. What i'm trying to say most of all is, if they are saying this kid lacks agility, then someone is lying about his speed and ability to jump hurdles. It is funny though, that this Johnson kid is almost the same size and weight Wheatley was coming out of High School.

I hear you, and that was a jackass comment on my part, so I won't get into a debate about the merits of the Braylon comparison. I know what you're getting at. I think the issue here is that Johnson clearly has great athletic ability, but outside of the straight-line speed and frame (very important things of course) his skill set isn't exactly what you'd want for a D1 running back.

Luckily, of course, he's not a D1 running back yet. I haven't seen nearly enough tape of Johnson, or any of Wheatley from HS, so I don't know if that comparison has any merit outside of the measurables, but I'm perfectly happy with them taking a shot on this kid and seeing how he develops.
DR said:
wlvrnstlr4life said:
Listen, I know what agility means, I also think Braylon Edwards has plenty of agility, wouldn't you say? Braylon Edwards also can't cut on dime, but he can jump with the best of them. I can also tell you, i've never played with or against guys who ran legit 4.4's and had no agility. Especially, someone who runs hurdles at full speed. That's just a stupid statement. Let me give one more example to put this to rest, (because I do like your commentary Art and I don't want to turn this into a fight) Tyrone Wheatley. Would you say he had agility? He also ran 4.4 and 110m hurdles(state champ) and could not cut on a dime. What i'm trying to say most of all is, if they are saying this kid lacks agility, then someone is lying about his speed and ability to jump hurdles. It is funny though, that this Johnson kid is almost the same size and weight Wheatley was coming out of High School.

I hear you, and that was a jackass comment on my part, so I won't get into a debate about the merits of the Braylon comparison. I know what you're getting at. I think the issue here is that Johnson clearly has great athletic ability, but outside of the straight-line speed and frame (very important things of course) his skill set isn't exactly what you'd want for a D1 running back.

Luckily, of course, he's not a D1 running back yet. I haven't seen nearly enough tape of Johnson, or any of Wheatley from HS, so I don't know if that comparison has any merit outside of the measurables, but I'm perfectly happy with them taking a shot on this kid and seeing how he develops.

You know, it doesn't hurt. We can take a chance on him. This team is going to go through more attrition after spring ball anyways, so there will be scholly's for more people. And buddyboy had a good point also, wide reciever is an option if things don't work out. Speed is good...........................too bad no one could harness Morgan Trent's.

I'd like to add that it is refreshing to see us going after kids that are big with speed. 6' and 4.4 speed > 5'7" and 4.4 speed(in the Big 10) but that is strictly my opinion.
wlvrnstlr4life said:
DR said:
I hear you, and that was a jackass comment on my part, so I won't get into a debate about the merits of the Braylon comparison. I know what you're getting at. I think the issue here is that Johnson clearly has great athletic ability, but outside of the straight-line speed and frame (very important things of course) his skill set isn't exactly what you'd want for a D1 running back.

Luckily, of course, he's not a D1 running back yet. I haven't seen nearly enough tape of Johnson, or any of Wheatley from HS, so I don't know if that comparison has any merit outside of the measurables, but I'm perfectly happy with them taking a shot on this kid and seeing how he develops.

You know, it doesn't hurt. We can take a chance on him. This team is going to go through more attrition after spring ball anyways, so there will be scholly's for more people. And buddyboy had a good point also, wide reciever is an option if things don't work out. Speed is good...........................too bad no one could harness Morgan Trent's.

I'd like to add that it is refreshing to see us going after kids that are big with speed. 6' and 4.4 speed > 5'7" and 4.4 speed(in the Big 10) but that is strictly my opinion.

Odoms and Gallon are pretty good players.
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