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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

On that play why does Morgan run right into the blocker? I don't get that. Play the man with the ball not the blocker.
What's with Mattison trying these insanely complex blitzes that the UM defenders still seem confused as hell with?! Their QB is AWFUL! Put four across the DLine, DE's rush upfield, and move in on the QB. These blitzes confuse the UM defense more than the opposing offense.
Jourdan Lewis got beat there. And he got beat on the earlier 3rd and long. Something to watch...
Thank goodness he dropped that.

I shudder to think what will happen if MSU scores a TD.
What do you mean, "regains the lead"? MSU never had the lead...we scored first.
"Michigan St regains the lead". Uh, Michigan is the only team that had the lead in this game so far. Dumbass!