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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

This is going to be a long, painful game.
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Good route, good decision, just the throw a bit off.

If you want to go with these long developing, downfield routes, Gardner may have to be rolling out from under center. Not necessarily PA, not from the gun, conventional half or full rollouts.
Can't keep giving them a short field and expect the D to keep holding them.

Come on D!
I think I've said "fuck" in just about every possible form. wow. this game is intense.
Then I guess we shouldnt even try to pass.

no, we pass. we're doing a decent job going downfield. What I'm saying is that quick slants are very dangerous, especially when you play against this defense.
borges has to adjust the plays

msu has great defense (hate to admit it but true)
Borges has to be better. He had two weeks to craft a game plan and we get this shit.. So unimpressed with him..
2nd quarter. Generally good for Spartans and bad for Michigan this year.