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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Yeah, slant passes and short passes to the outside are overrated against the blitz.

Fucking fat imbecile.
ugh. they seem to be all over our 3 different pass routes & 3 different pass plays
damn it! DG can't find any receivers! there's plenty of time when sparty doesn't blitz. wtf, receivers!
well they are getting to him very fast - we aren't stoppign them at all

it isn't like dg is dawdling that much - just not that much protection
and another sack. let's try a few RB runs, yes? mix it up so they're not teeing off on DG.
Wow is this offensive line just awful. Just friggin' awful.

Dawson, Kugler, Bosch, Tuley-Tillman, Kalis, Gunderson, etc just can't grow up fast enough.

And if your offensive line is the weakness, why are they being relied upon, on the road, against a superior opponent, to do that which they are simply and seemingly incapable of doing?!