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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Same old, same old: get away from what was working and start doing stupid shit.

Why is Borges still at UM?
now is the time we need to score. we won't keep 3 and outing them at home.
okay we have to have speed - make decisions and move with this defense
decent field position. we need points, here! come on, DG!
W/ their advantage in the front 7, gotta read the CBs to call plays. If DBs are off the line, recognize the blitzes that come and counter with short slants. If they don't blitz, stay outside.
See, with their DBs playing off the ball like that, this is the PERFECT chance to set up the underneath passing game.
arrgh... so rough to watch that long delay after the play action... THROW IT!

unless the coverage is that good.

now holding... fuck.
Will someone please take the spinning wheel from Borges and get someone to call plays based on what the defense is doing and what the offense can set up?
okay- got to get the ball off fast on this pass (runnign won't work here after the penalty as far as i am concerned)