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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

One of these days I'll see a Michigan team that doesn't allow sacks and is coached by people who make adjustments on both sides of the ball. I guess.

At least the defense is doing its job.
So, Gardner decides this game is the one he is not going to take off and run when there is no open receiver?
Unless UM has first down inside their own 10, first play run a screen from under center. Try to slow down the blitz.
Wide open and we only rush freaking three guys..

Come on mattision!!!!!!
Frank Clark HAS to do a better job on the one on one pass rush. Their RT just bitch slapped him on that third down.
i have been saying it has to be faster decision making by dg

the line is not helping him
and quick slants are very dangerous against Sparty.
Against a shitty QB like this, 3 man rush on 3rd and 12 from midfield isn't a bad call. You just hope your 9 cover better than that!
Enough of these fucking types of run plays! It's tooo god damn slow!
if you're going to give the ball the FItz out of the gun, you have to do it fast. no more read options.
We should stop running wide.... Run the damn ball off tackle and see what freaking happens...