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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

Basketball is an awesome sport. I'm just saying.
Fitz has shown time and time again he cannot block...why is he still in the game?
It was like DG never had a chance on any of those plays. They were nearly on him as soon as he had the ball.
Down 10, interception.

Run for -5.

Sack for -10.

Sack for -6.

Maybe Borges can dial up a slow developing punt and it'll get blocked.

Look, I know this OLine is awful, and the run game is no match for Sparty's defense, but everyone recognizes that the way to attack it is NOT this stupid slow developing shit. It's short passes and an occasional screen. What'd he call, three quick passes (slant to Gallon, two quick hitters to the TE). Two of them fell incomplete, and instead of keeping at what theoretically will work, he continues to call plays that simply will not.
-59 rushing yards through 3 quarters. I dont care if we are playing the super bowl champions, that is embarrassing.
At least field position is back in UM's favor, assuming MSU doesn't pick apart the secondary. Here's to hoping they channel their inner Brady Hoke and go ultra conservative.

There is a chance UM gets the ball close to midfield next possession. Who knows, they may only get sacked once next series.
Down 10, interception.

Run for -5.

Sack for -10.

Sack for -6.

Maybe Borges can dial up a slow developing punt and it'll get blocked.

Look, I know this OLine is awful, and the run game is no match for Sparty's defense, but everyone recognizes that the way to attack it is NOT this stupid slow developing shit. It's short passes and an occasional screen. What'd he call, three quick passes (slant to Gallon, two quick hitters to the TE). Two of them fell incomplete, and instead of keeping at what theoretically will work, he continues to call plays that simply will not.

Screen pass? Good one bamf haha. Borges doesn't believe in those.
I think Michigan should just start punting on first down every time they get the ball.

The way things are going, the defense has a better chance of scoring.