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The Official Michigan State vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

This team fucking sucks. Hoke has killed what was supposed to be a great season. Honeymoon is over for me.
fuck. i'm done with this thread. if i stay on this laptop, i might break it.
Good to see a 3 year starting LB not know how deep to get by knowing down and distance and recognizing routes. Pitiful.
This is just sad, so sad. I guarantee I don't skip out on anything else the rest of the year to watch this team. I am skipping the OSU game, I don't give a shit.
It's a tough pill to swallow when your head coach is a position coach and that position continues to fail.
Someone call East Lansing PD......there is a murder being committed at Spartan Stadium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never would have expected this, given the way this team played against Akron and UConn and PSU and Indiana...
So does Hoke have any say in the play calling? (Offense or defense) it seems like he should be overruling sme of these play calls...has he ever been a play caller before? (Serious question)