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Tigers and MLB 2019-2020 Free Agents Rule 5 Offseason Calendar Winter Meetings

Totally Tigers

The Saturday Survey offers another way for readers to weigh in on a relevant topic. So here is a poll to gauge the pulse of our baseball-lovin? peeps.

As always, we welcome your comments, so please vote and then submit your reasons ( 4 sentences max!) for how you voted in the usual comment box. Don?t forget to come back later and view the results!

Al Avila has said that it?s time for the Tigers ?to build it back up? this year.

Please participate in the survey to give us an idea of what the team needs to do to prove they are serious.

What one factor listed below do you believe is the single biggest indicator that the Tigers are sincere about fielding a competitive team?

1. Not trading Matthew Boyd despite multiple teams? interest.

2. No more trading of the team?s most expensive players.

3. Trading for or signing a bona fide accomplished player.

4. Improved performance and progress of prospects in the minors.

5. Bringing up qualified prospects before September.

6. Qualified prospects getting regular playing time.

7. Not sure.

8. Other.

Tigers agree to terms on a 1 year contract with Michael Fuller.
More to follow.