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Tigers sign Fielder?

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Big deal he had 15 errors last year in 159 games at first. He was second in both chances and putouts. While his FP may be 11th at .990 in the NL you guys that don't like the deal make it sound like it will cost the team more games more then his bat will win. As long as the tiger stay between 90-100 wins they will win the central. Add another piece and we may take home the World series title and we may anyway's.. Who cares what happens 7-9 years from now... The time is now to win a few titles in the next 5 years.. I could care less how many balls get through as long as the 3 run jack or 2 run double is coming off his bat.
[color=#006400 said:
DR said:
I'm all for the signing, but the Tigers will be paying him over $20 million a year into the next decade. Hopefully Mr I and/or his money is still around then.

Mr I money or Scooby Doo money, it ain't mine I don't care.

You won't care if it cripples the team in the future? You didn't care that Illitch was paying Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman a combined $30 million a couple years ago, seriously limiting any moves Detroit could make? It's a pretty simple concept.
DR said:
[color=#006400 said:

Mr I money or Scooby Doo money, it ain't mine I don't care.

You won't care if it cripples the team in the future? You didn't care that Illitch was paying Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman a combined $30 million a couple years ago, seriously limiting any moves Detroit could make? It's a pretty simple concept.

They sucked but why would I care that Willis was making a shitload and not producing? I never care about that stuff. Plus, how is it crippling? MI obviously has the dough. This is baseball, not football. Pizza Pizza man not the Pirates.
[color=#006400 said:
DR said:
You won't care if it cripples the team in the future? You didn't care that Illitch was paying Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman a combined $30 million a couple years ago, seriously limiting any moves Detroit could make? It's a pretty simple concept.

They sucked but why would I care that Willis was making a shitload and not producing? I never care about that stuff. Plus, how is it crippling? MI obviously has the dough. This is baseball, not football. Pizza Pizza man not the Pirates.

Uh huh.
DR said:
[color=#006400 said:

Mr I money or Scooby Doo money, it ain't mine I don't care.

You won't care if it cripples the team in the future? You didn't care that Illitch was paying Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman a combined $30 million a couple years ago, seriously limiting any moves Detroit could make? It's a pretty simple concept.

Robertson, Willis and Bonderman. Think about it....
DR said:
[color=#006400 said:

Mr I money or Scooby Doo money, it ain't mine I don't care.

You won't care if it cripples the team in the future? You didn't care that Illitch was paying Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman a combined $30 million a couple years ago, seriously limiting any moves Detroit could make? It's a pretty simple concept.

Yea, this statement is like, huh? This is not Robertson, Willis, and Bonderman we are talking about....the money is being shelled out to players who have been and will continue to be quite productive for years to come. I still cannot fucking believe this happened, and I cannot wait for the damn season to start!
Come on guys, I'm just giving an example of how Illitch spending money can hurt the team, and by extension, us. I'm not making a comparison in regards to the merits of those signings vs this one.

I said before, I'm all for this signing. It's risky, but IMO well worth it. I'm just tired of seeing the dumb "well it's not my money" routine. Unless you're talking a one year deal, money always matters. And when you're talking a 9 year deal with an aging owner it's only compounded.
DR said:
Come on guys, I'm just giving an example of how Illitch spending money can hurt the team, and by extension, us. I'm not making a comparison in regards to the merits of those signings vs this one.

I said before, I'm all for this signing. It's risky, but IMO well worth it. I'm just tired of seeing the dumb "well it's not my money" routine. Unless you're talking a one year deal, money always matters. And when you're talking a 9 year deal with an aging owner it's only compounded.

Depends partly upon one's age and how you look at it. After Mr. I passes on, his progeny may or may not care "as much" about how soon the Tigers win a WS championship, even IF their father was more cautious and meant to slooowly rebuild the team and esp. its farm system and they could very well become more like Tom Monaghan who virtually walked into ownership of a franchise fielding a team that was fully prepped and on the cusp of a WS championship season, then what happened afterwards?

Their '87 team was almost like the '72 team, comprised somewhat of older vets trying for one last grasp @ the "brass ring," but fell short and meanwhile their farm system pretty much was withering on the vine, and had continued to do so for almost two decades. It has never approached what Tampa Bay's farm system has become, despite fielding teams year in year out, being JUST as bad if not worse AND for an even longer period of time.
Webvideo Prince Fielder arrives in Detroit.
from the Tigers official site

Webvideo with Mike Ilitch bringing Prince Fielder to the Tigers.
from the Tigers official site

Webvideo with DD on acquiring Prince Fielder.
from the Tigers official site

Webvideo with Leyland talking about lineup changes.
from the Tigers official site

Webvideo High Heat: Tigers and Fielder
MLB Network takes a look at the impact Prince Fielder will have on the Detroit Tigers.

Webvideo Hitting at Comerica Park.
MLB Network's Hot Stove takes a look at how Prince Fielder will fare at Comerica Park after his time at Miller Park

Transcript: Detroit Tigers, first baseman Prince Fielder announce nine-year deal.
from Mlive

Prince Fielder: The transaction timeline.
from blessyouboystigersblog
Contrary to many large, backloaded contracts, Fielder's nine-year deal is structured so that he'll earn $23MM in each of the first two years, and $24MM in each of the seven years thereafter, according to the Associated Press (via ESPN).
Fielder's deal also includes a limited no-trade clause, tweets Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com.
Fielder's agent, Scott Boras, told Jim Bowden on MLB Network Radio that he did not receive an offer from the Tigers on Prince until after news broke of Victor Martinez's season-ending knee injury.
But this thread wasn't about the Fielder for Kinsler trade.
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