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Tigers sign Fielder?

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The best part about Fielder is he's a legit LEFTY power bat. CoPa is gonna be a launching pad for him with Miggy batting in front and VMart behind him. I'm so excited about this signing.
T'would appear crow might be what's for dinner in the matty household tonight. Not for one second did I think he'd want to sign here.
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]I heard he will be at 1B. Maybe Miguel at 3B.
That means no Inge too.
They just need to sit them both down and say you both will be playing so shut the fuck up and hit and win Detroit a world series..
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]They just need to sit them both down and say you both will be playing so shut the fuck up and hit and win Detroit a world series..
I'd imagine Miggy is fully on board with this. How could he not be? Besides, we've got a full year to sort out the issue since VMart is out.
This is pretty amazing actually. Who was it that said Detroit was working on a budget? Lol.
kingofdetroit57 said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]They just need to sit them both down and say you both will be playing so shut the fuck up and hit and win Detroit a world series..
I'd imagine Miggy is fully on board with this. How could he not be? Besides, we've got a full year to sort out the issue since VMart is out.

He is from what they are saying on mlb network.
We finally got the cleanup hitter we been wanting. Moves Miguel to his natural 3 hole.
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