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Tigers sign Fielder?

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kingofdetroit57 said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]They just need to sit them both down and say you both will be playing so shut the fuck up and hit and win Detroit a world series..
I'd imagine Miggy is fully on board with this. How could he not be? Besides, we've got a full year to sort out the issue since VMart is out.

I agree With you...
I'm speechless!!! Wow, and the Miggy to 3rd rumors are making me even happier.

DD shocks everyone again. The guy is a helluva a poker player as a GM.

Anyone know if V Mart could come back for August or September?
wow holy fucken shit this come out of nowhere.

i was just on here 45mins ago and nothinmg about possibility
It wouldn't surprise me to see us flip prospects for pitching or a 2B either. This is an all in type of move.
kingofdetroit57 said:
It wouldn't surprise me to see us flip prospects for pitching or a 2B either. This is an all in type of move.

I agree makes sense.... Go for it...
johnny2x2x said:
I'm speechless!!! Wow, and the Miggy to 3rd rumors are making me even happier.

DD shocks everyone again. The guy is a helluva a poker player as a GM.

Anyone know if V Mart could come back for August or September?

You are so right JX2
I'm thinking they're going all in too, which may mean Jacob Turner gets moved for an established pitcher. This is absolutely fucking amazing!
We've gotta be the odds on favorite for the World Series right now. We've got the best middle of the order in baseball, best starter, and an upper echelon rotation and bullpen. Our defense and speed may suck, but this team is gonna be scary good.
Let the Marlins take a 60M shop at Cespedes, we got a sure thing for at least 5 or 6 yrs for 124M. Not that I would want to do it, but imagine the holes we could fill next off-season, 2b and another OF plus if we were to offer Miggy around :)
Has anyone heard if V Mart will be gone the whole season or could he maybe be ready late season?

This team is the definition of all in, it would not surprise me to see them make another move for a 2nd baseman or another good starter. You can trade some of your big contracts in a few years for prospects.
We will be a slow pitch softball team with Miggy, Prince and V-Mart in the middle of the order, slow but what bashers !!!!!
Wow, I owe buddyboy an apology, he kept on going on about Fielder and I was sure he was on 'shrooms or something.

Miggy will have to DH IMO, or split time at 1B, cause his weight just seems to be too much of an issue for me to ever see him doing anything at 3B.
Cabrera will play some third and left in spring training, see how it goes.

We haven't had this kind of 3 and 4 spot in the lineup since what...Norm Cash and Rocky Colavito? Maybe Greenberg and Gehringer?
Geezus, amazing, Thankyou Mr. Ilitch.
randyf10 said:
We will be a slow pitch softball team with Miggy, Prince and V-Mart in the middle of the order, slow but what bashers !!!!!

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