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Tigers sign Fielder?

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Spockmaster said:
this is crazy!

also next year i think avila to 3rd and vmart to catcher would be more likely, cabrera is too big for 3B now.

No way.

V-Mart is done at catcher, with his knees and now he'll be coming off a torn ACL, he'll never catch again.
kingofdetroit57 said:
We've gotta be the odds on favorite for the World Series right now. We've got the best middle of the order in baseball, best starter, and an upper echelon rotation and bullpen. Our defense and speed may suck, but this team is gonna be scary good.

Texas is still better on offense I think. Now once Vmart comes back? But we still have some weak performers and unsure. But exciting.
mikem2780 said:
I'm thinking they're going all in too, which may mean Jacob Turner gets moved for an established pitcher. This is absolutely fucking amazing!
How about we call Oswalt back and see if he's changed his mind?
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]This is pretty amazing actually. Who was it that said Detroit was working on a budget? Lol.


And they are.

Just larger of a budget than they've shown.
tomdalton22 said:
This makes no sense to me. A $20 million DH?

What people are saying is that Cabby is moving back to 3rd and Fielder will play 1B. When V Mart comes back he's our DH.

That is a sick lineup!!!
[color=#006400 said:
KalineCountry[/color]]Cabrera will play some third and left in spring training, see how it goes.

We haven't had this kind of 3 and 4 spot in the lineup since what...Norm Cash and Rocky Colavito? Maybe Greenberg and Gehringer?
Geezus, amazing, Thankyou Mr. Ilitch.

I don't think ever Kaline, but I wasn't around to watch them play. These 2 are as good a combo as it gets. Especially with one being lefty one right
Why does anyone care about the money, it is Mr I's and he wants a World Series, and so do I.
johnny2x2x said:
tomdalton22 said:
This makes no sense to me. A $20 million DH?

What people are saying is that Cabby is moving back to 3rd and Fielder will play 1B. When V Mart comes back he's our DH.

That is a sick lineup!!!

Miggy can't play 3B. He is terrible!
tomdalton22 said:
johnny2x2x said:
What people are saying is that Cabby is moving back to 3rd and Fielder will play 1B. When V Mart comes back he's our DH.

That is a sick lineup!!!

Miggy can't play 3B. He is terrible!

Always at least one buzz kill in the crowd.
tomdalton22 said:
johnny2x2x said:
What people are saying is that Cabby is moving back to 3rd and Fielder will play 1B. When V Mart comes back he's our DH.

That is a sick lineup!!!

Miggy can't play 3B. He is terrible!

I swear that the day the Lions win the Super Bowl that you'll complain that the punter did not exceed his season average in the game, even if it is because he never had to punt.
So, he can't play third? If he loses 20 lbs and you put him at 3b, how many games does his D cost us vs. games won by his bat? How many games would those errors lose, maybe 3? and his bat wins 10, that's plus 7, what is Inge a 0, maybe one lose by D and one win by O, so I say play Miggy at 3b, some this year and lots next year.
randyf10 said:
So, he can't play third? If he loses 20 lbs and you put him at 3b, how many games does his D cost us vs. games won by his bat? How many games would those errors lose, maybe 3? and his bat wins 10, that's plus 7, what is Inge a 0, maybe one lose by D and one win by O, so I say play Miggy at 3b, some this year and lots next year.

[color=#006400 said:
tomdalton22 said:
Miggy can't play 3B. He is terrible!

Always at least one buzz kill in the crowd.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow the masses. I am very surprised that they did this...it really doesn't make too much sense to me. If you are going to throw $20 million a year at somebody I don't think you do it for a DH.
I figure DH Miguel until he gets in some 3B shape and when Vmart comes back Miguel in for Inge. Win win win.
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