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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

for the love of all that is baseball please score this inning so we don't have to see Alverez or Veras in this game.

I beg you offense.
I am going to wipe my black cat Mattie's ass on the A's pitcher.... Time for it to work!!!!
Al Alburquerque has inherited seven runners in four appearances since Sept. 23, and none have scored.
Come on Victor. Need you to come up big buddy.
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Getting pretty late for you boys back in the Eastern Time Zone.
Prince are you ever gonna do jack shit when the calendar rolls to October? He pulled this same shit with the Brewers, drove me nuts.
Miggy is useless without his legs.

Also, he really should have taken the walk instead of swinging at ball 4.