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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

Smyly semi craps his pants and Al Al now pitching with runners on 1st and 2nd,
Is it possible the offense is going to end up even worse than last year? That's not an easy shit bar to surpass but they are well on there way!
A man on first and one of the best ground ball pitchers on the planet all warmed up...but let's go with the guy who has control problems...

/loads revolver
Is it possible the offense is going to end up even worse than last year? That's not an easy shit bar to surpass but they are well on there way!

It should be enough for DD to realize he needs different coaches and more speed.
Seems like not so long ago that it was obvious Al had no place on this postseason roster...now he's been called in to the highest leverage situation so far.

/spins cylinder
Dan and Jim both saying WTF on the radio why Al Al not Rick.