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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

We only "needed" to win one of these in Oakland...just frustrating we are wasting a chance to win this one too.

Agree really should have been to get a couple fen runs and take this one to, it's a damn shame...this offense outta be ashamed of itself
Verlander's Game Score of 79 his second-highest of the year. (Had an 80 when he flirted with a no-hitter at Houston.)

ranks as the 10th-highest Game Score in Tigers postseason history. His Game 5 at Oakland last year is No. 1.

Zero run support in 4 of Verlander's last 7 starts.

f'n hitless wonders.
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It's just like last year, offense nowhere to be found in the post season, just like some of us all feared
Well, on the plus side, our pitching has been phenomenal through two games.
Dumb managers abound in MLB...I hate the bunt as much as anyone but it was the play with crisp at bat.
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should have just let Cleveland overtake us if we were just going to get to the playoffs and look at strikes.
Yeah, only bunt with a runner at 2nd and no one out. I hate bunting a runner from 1st to 2nd, because you still need a hit to score him.
Dumb managers abound in MLB...I hate the bunt as much as anyone bur it was the play with crisp in there.

I hate the bunt as well and the A's have the 2nd fewest bunts in the majors but that just seemed like the spot you absolutely bunt.
Well, on the plus side, our pitching has been phenomenal through two games.

As it was last year also, cept Valverde

Hey DD ya really need to fix this station to station offense it doesn't work when you need it most