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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

Nice to see AJax back to his miserable playoff ways, what a damn joke. Bust out the sombrero.
I want a new Tigers Leadoff Hitter,

Jackson K's way to much, not just tonight,
He threw him three straight hooks......the ump wasn't going to call all of them balls. Swing the fucking bat!
yeah, cept that i wont. i stand by what i said. kelly sucks ass, dirks and peralta are better, peralta should have started. i dont care if kelly scores the only run of the game right here, that doesnt change the fact that it was a stupid-ass decision. sometimes you do something stupid and get lucky that it works out. this is one of those times.

lol :nod:
This putrid-ass offense is why I picked us to lose this series, again I pray I am wrong
Jackson absolutey garbage tonight 4 fn k's and he just stands there taking strikes and swinging at balls
Hunter 2-0 popsup says no! 2-0 and pops up

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and then hunter pops out on a 2-0 pitch. i hate every one of these motherfuckers on our offense right now.