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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

Justin's night is likely done at 117 pitches, especially after a 10-pitch, pressure-filled AB like that.

I'm not sure. I could see Leyland letting him start the 8th....and I can see him saying that's it. If we get the lead he's done.

EDIT: They said JV is done.
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Iggy is the best bunter on the team you think,

Kelly gets to third,

oh here's Jackson, gray will go fishing with his curve,
sac bunt because leyland hates me. betcha AJax will strike out and hunter will make some sort of out on 1 pitch, leaving kelly stranded at 2nd. seen it happen so damn much...
ajax wanted to swing so bad at the ball in the dirt 6 feet off the plate lmao. damn hes off tonight.
lol...We all have to eat crow once in a while.
yeah, cept that i wont. i stand by what i said. kelly sucks ass, dirks and peralta are better, peralta should have started. i dont care if kelly scores the only run of the game right here, that doesnt change the fact that it was a stupid-ass decision. sometimes you do something stupid and get lucky that it works out. this is one of those times.
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