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Tigers vs. a's ALDS Game Thread 2 Oct. 5

Smyly for 8th. No decision for Verlander after 7 shutout innings, 11 K.
This is where we blow it. Not a single fucking run in the last 16 innings. Might as well play the backups at this point, fuck.
This putrid-ass offense is why I picked us to lose this series, again I pray I am wrong

We are all on the same page at least we took 1 of these first 2 maybe if the offense can find itself back home we can get this done yet
Hunter uppercut swinging at that like he was Prince....a fucking base hit through the box might have scored Kelly....nobody thinks at the plate anymore.
This is where we blow it. Not a single fucking run in the last 16 innings. Might as well play the backups at this point, fuck.

Since the backup we have in the lineup is the only one with multiple hits, you might be on to something!!
Hunter uppercut swinging at that like he was Prince....a fucking base hit through the box might have scored Kelly....nobody thinks at the plate anymore.

our hitters are apparently all morons.
We are all on the same page at least we took 1 of these first 2 maybe if the offense can find itself back home we can get this done yet

We only "needed" to win one of these in Oakland...just frustrating we are wasting a chance to win this one too.
So fucking disgusting how we let a rookie dominate us and can't score any runs for JV.