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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

god damn it,

f'n crisp,

if he comes up again, bring in Veras to drill him on his hands or elbow,
Normaly it doesn't bother me much but it's an elimation game we just gave up the lead in the 7th and we see prince over there ear to ear yuckin it up with coco puffs...that is rather annoying
Well, doesn't seem to matter as much now that we have once again relinquished the lead shortly after tying it.
Fucking announcers bitching that coco would not steal.....way to sound neutral assholes
Well it's a guarantee that we score again now. No possible way that the baseball gods would allow for the Tigers season to end with a Scherzer loss.
Normaly it doesn't bother me much but it's an elimation game we just gave up the lead in the 7th and we see prince over there ear to ear yuckin it up with coco puffs...that is rather annoying

It bugs the heck out of me too..
Staidly been getting anything near the zone all damn night, but Scherzer gets squeezed hard. Total bull shit!!!
Normaly it doesn't bother me much but it's an elimation game we just gave up the lead in the 7th and we see prince over there ear to ear yuckin it up with coco puffs...that is rather annoying

Yeah...soon after he made the last out in the 6th by striking out and leaving Miggy stranded...bah!!
what do you guys want him to do, punch Crisp in the kidney when nobody is looking?