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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

WTF Leyland??????? Pinch run for a guy that hit a homer and double in the 7th??? The bunt is the key thing here, not the speed of the runner on 2nd!
Jhonny leaves for Dirks as a Pinch Runner,

Avila another Tiger who can't bunt... bunts a fart, again, fouled back, K's,
We just gave away an out trying to bunt again, I really wish smoker wouldn't do that
I could be wrong, but I believe you can't call fan interference if the ball woulda be gone anyways.

I think that is what happened. I also think he legitimately had a good chance of catching that ball.
Finally we get a break! A freaking break! Out of all of these stupid circumstances, we get a break and tie the game with a home run!
WTF Leyland??????? Pinch run for a guy that hit a homer and double in the 7th??? The bunt is the key thing here, not the speed of the runner on 2nd!

Why can't anything good ever happen without smoker then finding away to fck it all up
more dumb shit from Leyland?

Peralta out for Dirks, defense in left?

but Avila bunting??
f'n stupid,

Omar lines to center,
AA fails with a switch hitter on the bench and a fly out that would have score dirks from third... team fails at small ball again...

Get a single....now please!!!!
The last HR given up by Sean Doolittle before today was also to Victor Martinez, back on Aug. 26 at Comerica Park.
Might as well walk Iggy, AJ is on deck and he hasn't had a loud fart since his first AB in the series.