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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

Haha it worked,

broken bat flare single to right and Dirks scores,

Tigers lead 5 - 4,
There was no way Riddick was going to catch that ball it was at least 12 inches over his glove..
Thanks for kicking that ball so there was no play at the plate Reddick.

fucking hobo
Thanks for kicking that ball so there was no play at the plate Reddick.

fucking hobo

With two outs Dirks was running on contact, there was never gonna be a play at the plate regardless.
Really bad decision to try and sneak that bunt in by Hunter.
My TV must be broken. It shows a higher number next to DET than it does for OAK
We need lock-down innings now.

Can't let them feel like they have a chance.