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Tigers vs. redsox ALCS Game 3 Thread

Not to be a DB or anything but it is not "for sure" we would have been up 2-0 if Leyland had done whatever it is you wanted him to do. Nobody knows what would have happened.

I am 99% positive ORTIZ does not hit a homer. Dummy Leyland finally admitted that mistake hr made as he wasting his fourth relief pitcher in one inning....
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I am 99% positive ORTIZ does not hit a homer. Dummy Leyland finally admitted that mistake hr made as he wasting his fourth relief pitcher in one inning....

Lol, not even gonna start that argument again. That game is looooong over. Move on.
Lol, not even gonna start that argument again. That game is looooong over. Move on.

Sorry pal. Gotta win this series to make that game mute.. If not Leyland just extends his failures verses teams other then NY and Oakland in post season play..Damn series was over till his mitts got ahold of it..
Offense let us down again, it was a concern all season really uglifed itself in sep and once again shitting the bed when needed most..it's a damn shame it's all just dispicalbe that they choke so bad in the post season like this
Hunter has sucked in the post season..Jackson and hunter costing the tigers big time chokers
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Damn, Hunter. You may be the worst choker of any Tiger besides Jackson. Dude cant even field the ball anymore.