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Tigers vs. redsox ALCS Game 3 Thread

That's what he does, all the players the past few years sticking with them while they stink it up for weeks into months,
That's on Leyland, the batter is failing, he can do something about it,
At this point, fuck their feelings. I don't care about speed at the top of the lineup. It doesn't do shit if they can't get on base!! I say go...

Dirks/Kelly/my mom
just got off work.

so, how fucked do you all think we are? if we lose tonight, we might be screwed. i dont feel good about fister vs peavy tomorrow, which means that we might go down 3-1. yeeeeah.
Our starting pitching has been so historically ridiculous these last 4 games. Unreal stuff.
Our starters have gone 21 innings and gave up 1 total run and will likely be 1-1.
That pitch was not right down the middle....still too close to take.

Get on base Jackson you motherfucker.