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Tigers vs. redsox ALCS Game 3 Thread

Yeah he forgot to tell the veteran don't give him a meatball to crush. It's his fault.

I could care less. what he said or did not say to JB. The sequence of relief pitchers was flat out imbecilic before it even got to that point..
Need to stop all the Red Sox media love right here...bloop and a blast. All I
At the risk of sounding hyperbolic in a game 3, this may be our season boys, at least we have our hottest hitters coming up.
And thats how it would have gone sunday if any of the relievers had bothered to do their jobs. Its nice that they at least kept us within a run. Do you think we'll go 1-2-3?
It's funny how if someone does not blame Leyland 100% for everything, they are a "Leyland apologist".

some people are just blinded by hate.
Coke just got out Ortiz.... :/

weird :/

Guess that is why he is on the roster :/

Weird :/
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Going to have to run into one this inning to avoid the loss. Just swing for the fences, we aren't going to get a rally going against this guy.
Oh, fucking hell. One of only 2 guys hitting, and he's hurt. Just fucking great.
splitter wasn't wicked..started out of the zone...ended way out of the zone...and JP still swung.