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Tigers vs. redsox ALCS Game 4 Thread

I don't have a problem with doug coming out, he got hit pretty hard last inning, it's time. if we can't protect a 6 run lead we'd might as well quit
Sox got more hits (8) against Doug Fister than they did against Anibal Sanchez, Max Scherzer and Justin Verlander combined (6).
Sox got more hits (8) against Doug Fister than they did against Anibal Sanchez, Max Scherzer and Justin Verlander combined (6).

just underscores how important those walks were, along with the pedroia bobble
I'm certainly not faulting the decision but I was a bit surprised they didn't bring in Porcello to start that inning. I thought they might let him try to pitch 2 innings. Or are they saving him in case Sanchez gets knocked around early? I know he hasn't had great results coming into the game in relief.
The announcers are total shit. Openly rooting for one team on a National broadcast is some garbage. These guys would be yelling hell yes if a Bosux player ran into something here.
oh shit here we go again, chicken or the egg,

too soon to yank Fister?
Not going to pretend Miggy is a good 3rd baseman, but do those Saber metrics stats take into account people that have absolute canons for arms?
Why not Coke here? We have Coke to pitch to one batter on the Sox, Ortiz.
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